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[GURKE] Sharp normal colored image

Created by Gurkenlord
Added Sept. 25, 2020
Updated 25 Sep 15:16 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Shader Used:
Lumesharpen Tonemap
Config-Download: https://gofile.io/d/zAR4ca Instalation: 1. Go to https://reshade.me/ 2. Download the installer and execute it. 3. Install by selecting the game's (if you don't see the game, press browse and select the executable of the game in the folder where you installed it). 4. Select the correct API of your game. 5. Of the shaders you are given to choose to download, choose the ones I've put on my list(top) and press OK. 6. Press "Edit Reshade Settings" (there are in reshade-shaders folder) and activate "Performance Mode" and "Skip Tutorial", then, press OK and close Reshade Installation window. 6. Download config https://gofile.io/d/zAR4ca and unzip where it's the game executable with Reshade. 9. Open game, press Home in the keyboard and select RealShade.ini pressing in the banner under Home, Settings, Statistics, etc... 10. Close Reshade menu pressing Home in the keyboard.
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=Tonemap,LumaSharpen TechniqueSorting=Tonemap,LumaSharpen [LumaSharpen.fx] offset_bias=1.569000 pattern=1 sharp_clamp=0.027000 sharp_strength=0.499000 show_sharpen=0 [Tonemap.fx] Bleach=0.000000 Defog=0.010000 Exposure=0.080000 FogColor=0.189086,0.632353,0.241235 Gamma=0.995000 Saturation=0.054000



25 Sep 15:17 CEST

Screen with applied reshade-config:


25 Sep 15:03 CEST

Screen with applied reshade-config:


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