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Syn City - A Game To Kill For

Preset for Cyberpunk 2077
Created by Narcoshade
Added Aug. 22, 2021
Updated 22 Aug 15:59 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Syn City-A Game To Kill For Is a Reshade preset based on the Sin City films by Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, and Quentin Tarantino. The color scheme is black, red and a little bit of yellow/orange, with a little pinch of comic look. There is also a 16:9 letterbox, film grain, and a vignette + Phosphor Effect for a film experience. Syn City-A Game To Kill For On NexusMods: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3066?tab=description Modern cars - they all look like electric shavers. -Marv- 1) Install Reshade in the folder *Cyberpunk 2077 \ bin \ x64*. Download all shaders, then you can't go wrong. But not the legacy shaders. 2) Extract the * Sin City.7z * into the folder *Cyberpunk 2077 \ bin \ x64*. Overwrite existing files when asked. 3) Start Cyberpunk 2077 and load the preset *Syn City.ini*. 4) have fun... Tested with Rehshade 4.9.1 Download: Microsoft OneDrive (Preset + Shader) Download Link: In The SweetFX_Settings.TXT (Press Download Preset) ;) If you like the preset, I'm happy about nice words. :) PLS Like my Facebook Page :) https://www.facebook.com/Narcoshade-108237733987467/?mod
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Syn City-A Game To Kill For Is a Reshade preset based on the Sin City films by Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, and Quentin Tarantino. The color scheme is black, red and a little bit of yellow/orange, with a little pinch of comic look. There is also a 16:9 letterbox, film grain, and a vignette + Phosphor Effect for a film experience. Syn City-A Game To Kill For On NexusMods: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3066?tab=description Modern cars - they all look like electric shavers. -Marv- 1) Install Reshade in the folder *Cyberpunk 2077 \ bin \ x64*. Download all shaders, then you can't go wrong. But not the legacy shaders. 2) Extract the * Sin City.7z * into the folder *Cyberpunk 2077 \ bin \ x64*. Overwrite existing files when asked. 3) Start Cyberpunk 2077 and load the preset *Syn City.ini*. 4) have fun... Tested with Rehshade 4.9.1 Download: Microsoft OneDrive (Preset + Shader) Download Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ak2YnXSGq-0ExWeqLa1AC-rSxx3F?e=FSvCB7 If you like the preset, I'm happy about nice words. :) PLS Like my Facebook Page :) https://www.facebook.com/Narcoshade-108237733987467/?mod


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