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WRC 10 Rebalance Reshade

Created by ViolinBravo
Added Jan. 30, 2022
Updated 31 Jan 13:53 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
WRC 10 is a rally racing game with very detailed environment but with a very outdated lighting system. This is especially true when playing during the day. Apart from the more saturated and less foggy colours, take a look at the foliage and structures (rocks, buildings, bridges, etc.) where the biggest differences are. AO, GI and IL plays a very important role in making the environment looks more realistic and grounded. !!! Note for night mode: 1. Create a duplicate of the preset 2. Adjust the Gamma in the prod80_Levels.fx shader. Decreasing the gamma to 1.0 should be good enough. Go lower if you have a darker screen than mine. Do the same for the normal version as well if you want to. ------ NOTE: Lite version is now available: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/11865/ Personally I use the Lite version since I play in 2560x1440. There is almost no visual difference so I recommend everyone to use the Lite version instead just for the performance improvements alone. -------------- Demo Videos -------------- * Noon / Clear - Arvaja, Finland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itXjqew_USI -------------------- Effects / Shaders -------------------- - Ambient occlusion: GloomAO.fx + quint_MXAO.fx - Global illumination: RadiantGI.fx - Indirect Lighting: quint_MXAO.fx - Reduce fog/Gamma/colour leveling: prod80_Levels.fx + quint_deband.fx - Fog compatibility: Reveil.fx - Anything else I may forgot: See "Techniques" section in the preset file. ------------ Changelog ------------ (30 January 2022) - Initial release.
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/** * * WRC 10 Rebalance Reshade * * A Reshade preset by TokyoZero (YouTube) * Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itXjqew_USI * Homepage: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/11863/ * * Tested only on Reshade 4.9.1 * Works best with DX11 * **/ PreprocessorDefinitions=MXAO_ENABLE_IL=1,MXAO_SMOOTHNORMALS=1,MXAO_TWO_LAYER=0,MXAO_HIGH_QUALITY=1,MXAO_MIPLEVEL_AO=1,MXAO_MIPLEVEL_IL=2 Techniques=ReVeil_Top@ReVeil.fx,SSDO_Plus@GloomAO.fx,MXAO@qUINT_mxao.fx,PCGI_One@RadiantGI.fx,ReVeil_Bottom@ReVeil.fx,prod80_03_Levels@PD80_03_Levels.fx,Debanding@qUINT_deband.fx TechniqueSorting=ReVeil_Top@ReVeil.fx,SSDO_Plus@GloomAO.fx,MXAO@qUINT_mxao.fx,PCGI_One@RadiantGI.fx,ReVeil_Bottom@ReVeil.fx,prod80_03_Levels@PD80_03_Levels.fx,Debanding@qUINT_deband.fx [BeforeAfter.fx] Blur=0.001000 Color=0.337000,0.000000,0.118000 Line=1 Offset=0.500000 [GloomAO.fx] Debug=0 Depth_Map=1 Depth_Map_Adjust=2.000000 Depth_Map_Flip=0 Dither_SSDO=0 GloomAO=0 NCD=0.125000,0.024000 Offset=0.000000 Persistence=0.000000 SamplesXY=6 SSDO_ColorPower=1.500000 SSDO_Fade=1.000000 SSDO_Intensity_Masking=0.011000 SSDO_Levels=32 SSDO_Max_Depth=1.000000 SSDO_MipSampling=4 SSDO_Power=2.359000 SSDO_SampleRadius=2500.000000 SSDO_Saturation=1.000000 SSDO_Trimming=0.030000 SSDO_X2=2 [PD80_03_Levels.fx] dither_strength=1.000000 enable_dither=1 ib=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ig=1.371000 iw=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ob=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ow=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [qUINT_deband.fx] AUTOMATE_BIT_DEPTH=1 BIT_DEPTH=10 DEBAND_MODE=2 SEARCH_RADIUS=0.500000 SKY_ONLY=0 [qUINT_mxao.fx] MXAO_AMOUNT_COARSE=1.000000 MXAO_AMOUNT_FINE=1.000000 MXAO_BLEND_TYPE=3 MXAO_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLE=0 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_END=0.400000 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_START=0.050000 MXAO_GLOBAL_RENDER_SCALE=1.000000 MXAO_GLOBAL_SAMPLE_QUALITY_PRESET=3 MXAO_SAMPLE_NORMAL_BIAS=0.200000 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS=2.500000 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS_SECONDARY=0.200000 MXAO_SSAO_AMOUNT=1.400000 MXAO_SSIL_AMOUNT=4.000000 MXAO_SSIL_SATURATION=1.000000 [RadiantGI.fx] Blend=0 Debug=0 Deep_Scattering=0.100000 Depth_Map=1 Depth_Map_Adjust=20.500000 Depth_Map_Flip=0 Diffusion_Saturation_Power=0.250000,0.500000 D_Irradiance=0.470000 GI_Power=1.000000 GI_Ray_Length=250.000000 GI_Res=1.000000 GI_Saturation=1.000000 GI_Sky_Saturation=1.000000 HDR_BP=0.500000 IGN_Toggle=1 Internals=0.540000,0.010000,0.010000 Luma_Map=0.500000 NCD=0.125000,0.000000 Offset=0.000000 PCGI_2DTexture_Detail=0.000000,1.000000 PCGI_Fade=1.000000 PP_Options=0 RadiantGI=0 Reflectivness=1.000000,0.500000 samples=12.000000 SamplesXY=20 Scattering=1 Sky_Adustment=3 Sky_Emissive_Selection=2 SSS_Seek=0.250000 Target_Lighting=0.050000 Trim=0.000000 Wrap=0.500000 [ReVeil.fx] Debug=0 DepthMultiplier=-1.000000 TransmissionMultiplier=-0.125000 [Splitscreen.fx] splitscreen_mode=0


30 Jan 17:15 CET

First demonstration video is now out! Watch it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfvkQGqnopk

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