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Erik's Colour & Lighting Improvements

Preset for Battlefield 3
Created by Erik
Added May 7, 2022
Updated 3 Jun 21:02 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
For Reshade version 4.9.0 although it should work with future releases too Yet another reshade preset for this game. I've tried many others' presets for BF3 and although some were good, I was never fully satisfied with them. So I decided to make my own and this is the result. Light shadows, subtle bloom and vibrant colours, that is what this preset is all about. You cannot replicate this by simply turning up vibrance to the maximum and increasing the brightness like many other presets do. A lot of subtle effects and changes went into this. Unfortunately with great visuals comes great cost. This preset eats up roughly 10FPS. But with the shaders being used, this was to be expected. Shaders used: NLM_Sharp.fx, ContrastStretch.fx, Pirate_Bloom.fx, Color_Balance.fx, qUINT_lightroom.fx, Curves.fx I believe that NLM_Sharp is no longer available anymore. So I uploaded it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0cs6lqyvd9pyza1/NLM_Sharp.fx/file OR https://mega.nz/file/5Fp3CYSa#UqOwjG-BNJBH_BPC_rCADQva59qEMgehtSeKALXrPAo Disclaimer: Reshade presets can look radically different depending on your monitor and calibration settings. Always keep this in mind when you come across a preset that looks either too saturated or too dark to you.
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=NLM_Sharp@NLM_Sharp.fx,ContrastStretch@ContrastStretch.fx,Pirate_Bloom@Pirate_Bloom.fx,prod80_04_ColorBalance@PD80_04_Color_Balance.fx,Lightroom@qUINT_lightroom.fx,Curves@Curves.fx TechniqueSorting=NLM_Sharp@NLM_Sharp.fx,ContrastStretch@ContrastStretch.fx,Pirate_Bloom@Pirate_Bloom.fx,prod80_04_ColorBalance@PD80_04_Color_Balance.fx,Lightroom@qUINT_lightroom.fx,Curves@Curves.fx [AmbientLight.fx] alAdapt=0.700000 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=2 alAdaptBaseMult=1.000000 alDebug=0 alDirtInt=1.000000 alDirtOVInt=1.000000 alInt=10.150000 alLensInt=2.000000 alLensThresh=0.500000 alThreshold=15.000000 AL_Adaptation=1 AL_Adaptive=0 AL_Dirt=0 AL_DirtTex=0 AL_Lens=0 AL_Vibrance=0 [ContrastStretch.fx] DarkMax=0.450000 DarkPeak=0.500000 DarkThreshold=0.333000 Debug=0 LightMax=0.300000 LightPeak=0.450000 LightThreshold=0.667000 Maximum=1.000000 MaxVariance=1.000000 MidMax=0.450000 MidPeak=0.550000 Minimum=0.000000 [Curves.fx] Contrast=0.425000 Formula=4 Mode=1 [Daltonize.fx] Type=0 [Deband.fx] banding_depth=1.000000 debug_output=0 enable_depthbuffer=0 enable_sdeviation=1 enable_weber=1 iterations=4 range=24.000000 t1=0.007000 t2=0.040000 [Depth_Cues.fx] Blur_Cues=0.000000 Debug_View=0 DEPTH_DEBUG=0 Depth_Map=0 Depth_Map_Adjust=250.000000 Depth_Map_Flip=0 No_Depth_Map=1 Shade_Power=0.500000 Spread=10.000000 [DisplayDepth.fx] Advanced_help=0 bUIShowOffset=0 bUIUseLivePreview=1 Depth_help=0 fUIDepthMultiplier=1.000000 fUIFarPlane=1000.000000 fUIScale=1.000000,1.000000 iUIOffset=0,0 iUIPresentType=2 [DPX.fx] Colorfulness=2.500000 Contrast=0.100000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Saturation=3.000000 Strength=0.050000 [HSLShift.fx] HUEBlue=0.250000,0.250000,0.750000 HUECyan=0.250000,0.750000,0.750000 HUEGreen=0.250000,0.750000,0.250000 HUEMagenta=0.750000,0.250000,0.750000 HUEOrange=0.750000,0.500000,0.250000 HUEPurple=0.500000,0.250000,0.750000 HUERed=0.750000,0.250000,0.250000 HUEYellow=0.764706,0.764706,0.194925 [LumaSharpen.fx] offset_bias=1.000000 pattern=1 sharp_clamp=0.035000 sharp_strength=3.000000 show_sharpen=0 [NLM_Sharp.fx] CAM_IOB=1 CA_Mask_Boost=1 CA_Removal=0


3 Dec 09:38 CET

All reshade presets can be used online, yes. I'm not aware of any way to level up faster though.

3 Dec 09:31 CET

I forgot to ask, there's some allowed hack to lvl up?

3 Dec 09:29 CET

Looks perfect bro! Thank so much! I just got the Premium version of the game at Steam blackfriday, can i use it online?

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