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GemFX| Realistic Shaded Subtle

Preset for Guild Wars 2
Created by Lightstylez
Added March 8, 2015
Updated 9 Mar 03:10 CET
Shader used: GemFX
Preset description:
Guild Wars 2 Subtle Realistic Preset -- Screenshots all taken on highest video settings & default 1.00 gamma Keeping it close as possible to the Guild Wars 2 style, just enhancing shading, colour depth & texture sharpness. Realistic Shading Darker Shadows Much Sharper Textures, Slight Vibrance Higher Contrast Clearer/Crisper Image Less Visual Blur [Tutorial for GemFX] - GemFX is a more advanced version of SweetFX, it still uses SweetFX but adds many new & more indepth settings. Download the latest GemFX | http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?672484-Generic-GEMFX-Version-1-0-8 - Scroll down to "Download & installation" and click "Show" - Download file, unzip anywhere - Start installer, point to ...\Guild Wars 2\bin (Find your GW2 installation directory & install in "Bin" if not working, try the main directory instead) - Goto GEMFX > Presets > Current (\Guild Wars 2\bin\GEMFX\Presets\current) - Either copy/paste the settings from my preset into GEMFX_Settings.cfg OR just replace the default file entirely and rename my preset to GEMFX_Settings.cfg - Go back to \Guild Wars 2\bin and run GEMFX_Configurator, make sure GEMFX is activated & close. - Launch the game normally | F9 to toggle on/off | Prnt screen for Screenshot (saves to main folder) I may upload another preset with more in-depth changes based on this one if ppl wish, however i like how it is atm. i don't wanna change too much from the base game. Any problems/questions/suggestions? Leave a comment :)
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