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MTechProject's Preset v1.2

Created by MTechProject
Added July 15, 2015
Updated 16 Jul 22:48 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Let me know what you think about this Preset and i'll keep updating this Mod as we go on! :) New version v1.2 is out! * Fixed Washed out sky * Less contrast * Added DOF * Added Dither HOW TO INSTALL 1. Download this rar: https://www.mediafire.com/?aawc97y4wthq2vk 2. Extract then copy all files to your Game Directory (ex : X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto V ) =============================================================================================================== HOW TO UNINSTALL Just delete these files: - Folder "Reshade" - d3d9.dll - dxgi.dll - Reshadefx =============================================================================================================== Config v1.2: • ToneMap • Vibrance (Intelligently saturates the pixels depending on their original saturation) • Curves • Ambient Light ( Adds scene dependent ambient light with specific dirt and lens effects) • TuningPalette ( allows to use color maps (like in ENB or color palettes) • LumaSharpen (Sharpens the image) • Bloom (Makes bright lights bleed into their surroundings) • HDR ( Not actual HDR - It just tried mimic an HDR Look) • DOF • Dither (Applies dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display.
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Config v1.2: • ToneMap • Vibrance (Intelligently saturates the pixels depending on their original saturation) • Curves • Ambient Light ( Adds scene dependent ambient light with specific dirt and lens effects) • HeatHaze (Adds heathaze waves) • TuningPalette ( allows to use color maps (like in ENB or color palettes) • LumaSharpen (Sharpens the image) • Bloom (Makes bright lights bleed into their surroundings) • HDR ( Not actual HDR - It just tried mimic an HDR Look) Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?it220869y05ts81


15 Jul 20:05 CEST

well that was nicely said! :)

15 Jul 19:45 CEST

I have never seen such a lousy preset ...

15 Jul 19:20 CEST

Thx man! Means a lot me! Yeah this is actually my first try with reshading/framework so i'am pretty new to this stuff :D Can you try this Preset if it works i dunno if i put the files correct way? :)

15 Jul 19:02 CEST

I love the work you have put on the colors, it looks way more vivid. If I could suggest you something, I'd say to decrease the contrast a bit because even though it looks nice at some parts, the sky, for example, has washed out clouds. Keep it up with that.

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