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!UBER Fidelity Suite: Heavensward 1.2

Created by xiorath
Added Aug. 24, 2015
Updated 29 Aug 23:41 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
My next project after The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt, if you used my last project, you definitely know whats in store for you, Enjoy the UBER Fidelity. Note that some screenshots(ones towards the middle) are taken before AO was implemented...Your game will be looking even more UBER ;) UPDATED TO RESHADE 1.0, Windows 10 compatible :) Download link here: https://mega.nz/#!V0oh1ZxK!TWNqybafDSkzayCrGYHBr5q4xWXjCLkYjsxlu68FpCo IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 1.1 to 1.2 (1.2 uses Reshade 1.0) BE SURE TO DELETE Reshade.FX D3d11.dll and RESHADE Folder (this is not optional) located in your /GAME folder FIRST!! Reshade 1.0 is slightly different and not compatible with the previous reshade.fx d3d11.dll files located in your game folder so you need to make sure you delete the ALL the older files first and replace them with the new ones from 1.2 rar file. Install: Drop into SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game Play! FPS loss about 5-10 Made for DirectX11 Version of the game FPS Hit: 10-15 FPS HBAO+ must be enabled ingame or you'll get weird artifacts with Ambient Occlusion turned on. If you want to save 10 FPS DISABLE Ambient Occlusion located in McFX.cfg Change from 1 to 0 Directx 11 Only. . No Saturation changes, silly filters, no gamebreaking Depth of Field, no oversharpness, no exaggerated bloom effects, no crushed blacks. Improves the over all original visual quality of the game without destroying the beauty of the art direction that was intended for FFXIV. Enhances and adds Ambient Occlusion Bloom Ambient Lighting GAUSS Sharpness and Bloom If you don't want the bleeding lights coming from light sources Disable Ambient Lighting change from 1 to 0(or lower the number) located in GemFX.cfg If disabling Ambient Occlusion in Mcfx.cfg wasn't enough for you...There is also a folder for users that found their GPU in a dumpster called FPSFRIENDLY located in the RESHADE folder, move all files from that folder into reshade folder if your FPS is console peasant quality MAKE SURE YOU CALIBRATE YOUR MONITOR CORRECTLY!!! http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ Transparent UI & Visibility through FOG is a known issue caused by Ambient Occlusion.
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DOWNLOAD LINK: https://mega.nz/#!V0oh1ZxK!TWNqybafDSkzayCrGYHBr5q4xWXjCLkYjsxlu68FpCo Uses Reshade 1.0 Windows 10 Compatible, overwrite all if prompted. Drop everything inside your /game folder If disabling Ambient Occlusion in Mcfx.cfg wasn't enough for you...There is also a folder for users that found their GPU in a dumpster called FPSFRIENDLY located in the RESHADE folder, move all files from that folder into reshade folder if your FPS is console peasant quality MUST HAVE DX11 MUST HAVE HBAO+ ENABLED IN GAME MUST HAVE A VIDEO CARD THAT WASNT FOUND IN A DUMPSTER IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 1.1 to 1.2 (1.2 uses Reshade 1.0) BE SURE TO DELETE Reshade.FX D3d11.dll and RESHADE Folder (this is not optional) located in your /GAME folder FIRST!! Reshade 1.0 is slightly different and not compatible with the previous reshade.fx d3d11.dll files located in your game folder so you need to make sure you delete the ALL the older files first and replace them with the new ones from 1.2 rar file.


21 May 20:58 CEST

Any change of uploading just the settings so i can get this running with ReShade 3.2.2?
I don´t feel like changing all the files over and over whenever i change the preset to either gaming mode or screenshot mode.
That would be really great! Thanks ;)

15 Mar 05:50 CET

This is by far the best preset for the game, however it seems to have issues with the steam overlay as of recent patches to both steam and ffxiv. Could you update to the newest version of reshade? I really love this preset!!!

21 Feb 03:48 CET

Any Chance to updating this to Reshade 1.1? I'd Like to be able to use Mediator so I can Tweak this up a bit and add some DOF any help would be appreciated.

24 Nov 03:37 CET

This is great. I noticed something happens when I press F9. What is happening?

19 Sep 10:28 CEST

So looks like setting "USE_AMBIENTOCCLUSION" to "0" in the McFX.cfg removes the transparency.

19 Sep 09:41 CEST

I'm getting an odd transparency on the UI - http://i.imgur.com/gvHkXTk.jpg

I'm gonna try to find a setting that controls this, but does anyone know what it is?

27 Aug 21:39 CEST

You sir are awesome, thx for sharing.
Best preset by far, I had to fiddle with some gfx settings in game to maintain a steady 60fps (GTX980) but it is more than worth it.
Kudos to you good sir.

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