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K-putt'e Config 1.5 - DOF/AO

Preset for Fallout 4
Created by K-putt
Added Nov. 9, 2015
Updated 13 Nov 12:29 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
———————————————————————————————————————————— • You'll need this version to get the same results as me. • (ReShade Framework 1.0 | ReShade 1.1.0) • DOWNLOAD HERE • Mediafire Basic Version - http://www.mediafire.com/download/c4j89r4oca06z9b/K-putt%27s_Fallout_ReShade_1.5%5BBasic%5D.rar • Mediafire Performance Version - http://www.mediafire.com/download/ffd426rzw02oz77/K-putts_Fallout_ReShade_1.5%5BPERFORMANCE%5D.rar • Mediafire DOF+AO Version - http://www.mediafire.com/download/q3ew2hv901xm7uq/K-putt%27s_Fallout_ReShade_1.5%5BDOF%2BAO%5D.rar • Nexus Fallout 4 Mods - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58 • For questions or requests visit the forum - http://sfx.thelazy.net/forum/ • For ReShade support visit the official ReShade forum - http://reshade.me/forum/index • Or visit the official SweetFX subreddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/sweetfx • While you're at it.. why aren't you following me on Twitter or FlickR yet? • Twitter - https://twitter.com/Kputt • FlickR - https://www.flickr.com/photos/k_putt/ ———————————————————————————————————————————— K-putt'e Todd Howard Config 1.5 • LEVELS • LUMASHARPEN • LIFTGAMMAGAIN • VIBRANCE • AMBIENT LIGHT • TONEMAP • CURVES • DEPTH OF FIELD • AMBIENT OCCLUSION • SUGAR BOMBS™ ———————————————————————————————————————————— • How to Install • Put all the files from the "K-putt's Preset" folder (ReShade Folder, dxgi.dll, ReShade.fx) into the \steamapps\common\Fallout 4 folder. • Done! • "Scroll/Lock" key toggles the effects. Or take a screenshot with the "Print key". • "Pause key" to toggle the Depth of Field and Ambient Occlusion shaders. (Only works in the Basic and AO/DoF version. It's deactivated on the performance version.) • Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field are far from perfect. Blurry menues, objects bleeding through fog or menues etc. • They look good enough more often than they don't though. • Don't complain if you get blurry menus or stuff bleeding through fog. Just toggle the effects off in that case. • K-putt ———————————————————————————————————————————— Update 1.2 • Slightly less Bloom • Highlights aren't as bright anymore • And some other stuff i can't remember anymore Update 1.3 • Added a Depth of Field version • Minimal changes to the Contrast and Tonemapping Update 1.4 • Added AO and AO+DOF versions • Stuff i can't remember anymore Update 1.4.1 • Updated injector to ReShade 1.1 (Could be slightly faster now in certain instances) • Added hotkey for a DOF/AO toggle (Pause key) in the case when these effects produce any problems, which they do. • Minor tweaks to Ambient Light. • Added a performance version without ambient occlusion, depth of field or ambient light. Fastest version, but only comes with color adjustments. Update 1.5 • Now sponsored by Sugar Bombs™. "Sugar Bombs™. Load your colon with sugar! It's good for you!" • More Depth of Field. Because more is always better, right? • Tweaked AO to fade out more quickly. Somewhat reduces the bleeding. It's still there, just not as prominent as before • Small changes to Ambient Light. Now emits a bit more colour than before • I also keep the Depth of Field in the basic version for now. It performs pretty good as well. The depth of field only costs ~1fps so totally worth it. • However, menus are sometimes still blurry. In that case, just press the DOF toggle key (Pause) to fix it momentarily • This should, hopefully, be the final version of the preset ————————————————————————————————————————————
Download preset Show / Hide settings
———————————————————————————————————————————— • You'll need this version to get the same results as me. • (ReShade Framework 1.0 | ReShade 1.1.0) • [b]DOWNLOAD HERE[/b] • Mediafire Basic Version - http://www.mediafire.com/download/c4j89r4oca06z9b/K-putt%27s_Fallout_ReShade_1.5%5BBasic%5D.rar • Mediafire Performance Version - http://www.mediafire.com/download/ffd426rzw02oz77/K-putts_Fallout_ReShade_1.5%5BPERFORMANCE%5D.rar • Mediafire DOF+AO Version - http://www.mediafire.com/download/q3ew2hv901xm7uq/K-putt%27s_Fallout_ReShade_1.5%5BDOF%2BAO%5D.rar • Nexus Fallout 4 Mods - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58 • For questions or requests visit the forum - http://sfx.thelazy.net/forum/ • For ReShade support visit the official ReShade forum - http://reshade.me/forum/index • Or visit the official SweetFX subreddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/sweetfx • While you're at it.. why aren't you following me on Twitter or FlickR yet? • [i]Twitter - https://twitter.com/Kputt • FlickR - https://www.flickr.com/photos/k_putt/ [/i] ———————————————————————————————————————————— [b] K-putt'e Todd Howard Config 1.5[/b] [i]• LEVELS • LUMASHARPEN • LIFTGAMMAGAIN • VIBRANCE • AMBIENT LIGHT • TONEMAP • CURVES • DEPTH OF FIELD • AMBIENT OCCLUSION • SUGAR BOMBS™[/i] ———————————————————————————————————————————— • How to Install • Put all the files from the "K-putt's Preset" folder (ReShade Folder, dxgi.dll, ReShade.fx) into the \steamapps\common\Fallout 4 folder. • Done! • "Scroll/Lock" key toggles the effects. Or take a screenshot with the "Print key". • "Pause key" to toggle the Depth of Field and Ambient Occlusion shaders. (Only works in the Basic and AO/DoF version. It's deactivated on the performance version.) • Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field are far from perfect. Blurry menues, objects bleeding through fog or menues etc. • They look good enough more often than they don't though. • Don't complain if you get blurry menus or stuff bleeding through fog. Just toggle the effects off in that case. • K-putt ———————————————————————————————————————————— Update 1.2 • Slightly less Bloom • Highlights aren't as bright anymore • And some other stuff i can't remember anymore Update 1.3 • Added a Depth of Field version • Minimal changes to the Contrast and Tonemapping Update 1.4 • Added AO and AO+DOF versions • Stuff i can't remember anymore Update 1.4.1 • Updated injector to ReShade 1.1 (Could be slightly faster now in certain instances) • Added hotkey for a DOF/AO toggle (Pause key) in the case when these effects produce any problems, which they do. • Minor tweaks to Ambient Light. • Added a performance version without ambient occlusion, depth of field or ambient light. Fastest version, but only comes with color adjustments. Update 1.5 • Now sponsored by Sugar Bombs™. "Sugar Bombs™. Load your colon with sugar! It's good for you!" • More Depth of Field. Because more is always better, right? • Tweaked AO to fade out more quickly. Somewhat reduces the bleeding. It's still there, just not as prominent as before • Small changes to Ambient Light. Now emits a bit more colour than before • I also keep the Depth of Field in the basic version for now. It performs pretty good as well. The depth of field only costs ~1fps so totally worth it. • However, menus are sometimes still blurry. In that case, just press the DOF toggle key (Pause) to fix it momentarily • This should, hopefully, be the final version of the preset ————————————————————————————————————————————


29 Dec 16:07 CET

You will have to edit the preset yourself. You can open the menu by pressing Shift+F2.

22 Nov 22:41 CET

Hey again K,

How do I slightly lessen the red-ish tone?


22 Nov 01:11 CET

Fair enough then, I'll have to choose one or the other :)

22 Nov 00:56 CET

Ah, didn't even think of that. I doubt that will be "fixed" tho. It works as intended.

21 Nov 04:16 CET

Yeah it's weird but according to one chap on Nexus: "Using pipboy app disables AO whenever you move, this isnt really a bug, its an intended reshade feature to avoid cheats in multiplayer games. The network traffic betwen the app and the game is picked as MP activity, so not much that can be done here other than not using the pipboy app."

And turning the app (yes android) off did stop the problem. I really like the app though so unsure if i'll use AO or not if it's not a fixable issue.

19 Nov 16:16 CET

The PipBoy app? You mean the android app? Not sure why that app should interfere with ReShade.

19 Nov 15:45 CET

Looks awesome! Can i ask if this is working with the pip boy app? i tried AO with a diff preset recently but with the app as soon as you moved it turned it off...

18 Nov 23:02 CET

Thanks. I hope you do it.

18 Nov 22:41 CET

Maybe. Not sure yet.

The FPS thing is in the Common.cfg in your ReShade folder.

18 Nov 17:52 CET

Hello k-putt are you going to do new assassin's creed game? also how do put enable show fps and other settings? I can't find global setting file.

18 Nov 09:27 CET

Ah I see, well regardless,
you make the best settings!

Keep up the great work,

17 Nov 10:02 CET

Nope. Only a injector specifically for Fallout could fix it. Which means ENB will take care of that.

16 Nov 03:33 CET

Yes I know, I have bind the toggles
to different keys, but is there a way
to FIX it, not simply deactivate effect :P

15 Nov 14:25 CET

@Dukhat Toggle for the DOF/AO effect is the "Pause" key. Like i wrote in the description. =P

15 Nov 11:59 CET

Already found it. Thanks to K-putt for the better AO.

15 Nov 11:51 CET

Is it possible to disable DOF and only use AO?

15 Nov 11:48 CET

I notice that in Power Armor,
DOF & AO do not work at all?

Is there any way to fix this?
(You're the best BTW K-Putt,
I always use your SweetFX!)

15 Nov 01:38 CET

Works fine here. In fullscreen, windowed and borderless. Even when i run the game in 6000x3000.

14 Nov 23:58 CET

Why this does not work on Win 10 Full Screen ? Its in the taskbar but when i open it i get kicked to Desktop!

13 Nov 11:56 CET

Damn, you're right. DOF was still activated. Uploading the fixed version now.

13 Nov 10:46 CET

Perfomance version has VERY blurry main menu with fonts, check it out pls!

11 Nov 21:52 CET

I might later tonight.

11 Nov 21:07 CET

Can you release Light version with color correction only? Cause i have also huge perfomance drop (~7-9 fps) on Basic version.

11 Nov 11:26 CET

x K-putt: darker night? and darker evening? eg: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/127/?

Ao very nice excellent work very impressive

10 Nov 22:44 CET

DOF/AO do murder frames but can be assigned their own toggle key so there can be turned off when becoming too heavy and vice versa :)
K-putt nice job :)

10 Nov 22:37 CET

Performance decrease by about 6-9 fps (no DOF). There are situations, where the fps even halve to 20-25 fps. There is something amiss. Besides that I'm wishfully waiting for a new catalyst beta.

9 Nov 23:20 CET

Yes. Using Windows 10 myself.

9 Nov 23:11 CET

Is this working with Windows 10 K-Putt?

9 Nov 22:31 CET

First time i'm actually really using the framework for gameplay. I'm sure people will do better stuff than this in the near future.

And i used a new zealand VPN to unlock it early.

Also, disable Vsync in your Nvidia or AMD driver settings. I'm using adaptive vsync to get rid of that half refreshrate fps cap thingy.

9 Nov 22:12 CET

first time I've ever seen you use Ambient light.

Also how do you have this now? It's still 8 hours away from release for me.

9 Nov 21:52 CET

@harrypooper69 Have you tried disabling vsync in .ini files? Might help.

9 Nov 21:48 CET

I only get ~5fps less. There must be something else that gives you that huge performance hit.

9 Nov 21:35 CET

But instead of 60 fps it goes down to about 47 fps, wtf!

9 Nov 21:21 CET

Looks very nice, thanks mate!

9 Nov 19:29 CET

God damnit.. Guess i can't shorten Mediafire links then. Sorry! It should be fixed now.

9 Nov 19:17 CET

"this goo.gl shortlink has been disabled."

9 Nov 19:13 CET


9 Nov 19:13 CET

You're shortened link is broken.

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