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~ BADLAND ~ v0.5

Created by phroZac
Added March 9, 2016
Updated 14 Nov 21:54 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
This WIP preset gives an enhanced cinematic flair to the Division. Among the effects used are: Lumasharpen, Levels, LiftGammaGain, Tonemap, Vibrance, Curves, subtle Filmgrain, Tuningpalette, Ambient Light, and Gaussian Anamflare. GALLERY: https://www.flickr.com/photos/77899987@N04/albums/72157662605260854/with/25651791072/ INSTALLATION: 1. Download BADLAND v05 at: https://mega.nz/#!xJV1RKwK!nhgYGHF-ud8OhqGtN6n9DzUHpmQrP9oVmJVXrdaVyJI 2. Extract the contents of my archive anywhere and then from inside the BADLAND folder, copy the ReShade folder, ReShade.fx, and dxgi.dll into your "Tom Clancy's The Division" game folder(where 'thedivision.exe' lives), normally located at: ...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Tom Clancy's The Division That's it! You're ready to rock! :) RECOMMENDED SETTINGS: *Subtle use of ReShade's Fisheye CA, YACA and Vignette are enabled for this preset *Turn off in-game Chromatic Aberration *Turn on in-game Vignette(SweetFX vignette is used for a longer falloff) *Set in-game sharpen to 100% >>Scroll Lock<< toggles on/off the ReShade FX so you can see the difference
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WIP Screenshot Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/77899987@N04/albums/72157662605260854/with/25651791072/


30 Oct 22:59 CET

hey, Phrozac, thanks for good work. Please advise, could you upload somewhere this here preset, but as separate ini file, so that i can use it with 4.3.0 reshade?

8 Feb 16:13 CET

I'll try it out Mak, Thanks. I just reinstalled the game after 8 months or so.

13 Jul 02:28 CEST

Perfect.. you may try adjust level (-25)
because black in night washed out.

And try adjust flare threshold (90)

And thank you so much for this nice job.

11 Apr 12:51 CEST

Thanks for the appreciation, Merlena. Dark Souls 3 is next! :D

11 Apr 01:16 CEST

Wow! Awesome! phroZac, I have to say this is one of very few out there that makes a game "different".

I will stalk your work from now on. :)


10 Apr 22:06 CEST

I play with the preset and I think in game this preset looks good. feels more Dramatic effect like apocaliptic cinema. and this is greate!

8 Apr 18:59 CEST

But I'm glad you think it's pretty!

8 Apr 18:55 CEST

Realism isn't the goal of this preset, ADI. Cinematic Flair is the name of the game here. ;)

8 Apr 16:48 CEST

this preset is good for snapshots and wallpapers but game play not really, it does not make it realistic like some does

5 Apr 09:04 CEST

it would be cool!

31 Mar 21:16 CEST

Btw, I'm working on a proper BADLAND FX mod for Nexus. l00ping did me a favor to host it on his page, but it's about time it had its own. It'll be up maaaybe next week...?

31 Mar 21:14 CEST

Yup! That was me. I tweaked it for the Div since Div doesn't support enb.

Thanks for the appreciation!

31 Mar 19:44 CEST

I glad to hear about tweaking of your preset. Your preset for The Division looks similar custom preset of Photorealistic Commonwealth (Fallout 4). And same nick - phrozac! I gues it's you? Whatever, I like your style! You are doing a great job! Keep it up.
P.S. - And NO! They never get "that" Alex =)

24 Mar 22:29 CET

Thanks, Alex! I'm constantly tweaking it, so if you check back from time to time, I might have a new version up. :)

Btw, is your name a reference to, "They got Alex!"?

23 Mar 20:20 CET

nice preset! love it

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