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Preset for Dark Souls
Created by alexul2009
Added April 12, 2016
Updated 2 Mar 20:22 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Just a few subtle changes .. trying to improve the game's graphics while still preserving the game's default colors and atmosphere. This is a Reshade preset, I uploaded all the files needed just to make things easier. This preset uses ambient occlusion, ambient light, bloom, dpx,liftgamagain, smaa and ca. In the screenshots posted i also used SCAO from dsfix. The ambient occlusion "bleeds" through fog, smoke or pre-rendered cutscenes, to disable/enable it press numpad 5, the ao render distance is low so it won't bleed through distant fog/smoke. To disable the reshade preset press scroll lock. I recommend playing the game at 30 fps while using this preset .. (i play at 40, with this preset my AMD 7950 can't do stable 60 fps) To install just extract the files in the darksouls game folder. If The Game crashes with dsfix mod: This is a link to my dsfix.ini file. The game crashes if some dsfix settings are enabled.(in this file 60fps is enabled) If the game still crashes make sure that u turned off the game antialiasing option. http://www.mediafire.com/file/o3mk25md8jn61oo/DSfix.ini
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5 Apr 19:42 CEST

I'm a bit late to the party but my guess is some sort of conflict between DSFix's AO and this preset's AO, but I may be wrong. WHO KNOWS?! REMASTERED IS OUT SOON, BITCHESSssssssssssssss

23 Oct 19:20 CEST

the game chrashes on launch, dsfix is instaled

5 May 10:47 CEST

what happens exactly ? it crashes ? it's too dark ? or is the screen just white ?

3 May 14:07 CEST

those pictures looks awesome, but i can't make it work prop. There must be a conflict between this and DSFix.

13 Apr 07:14 CEST

how can i modify it? which file edit?

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