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~ FORSAKEN ~ v0.1

Created by phroZac
Added April 18, 2016
Updated 18 Apr 16:40 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
The goal of this WIP preset is to give an enhanced cinematic flair to Lords of the Fallen. After mainlining Dark Souls 3 for the past week, I thought I'd start a new playthrough with the highly underrated Lords using my DS3 preset. Looks like they work perfectly together! :) Among the effects used are: Lumasharpen, Levels, LiftGammaGain, Tonemap, subtle Filmgrain, Tuningpalette, Ambient Light, and Gaussian Anamflare. LUT by L00. INSTALLATION: 1. Download FORSAKEN v0.1 at: https://mega.nz/#!VQ9mmYBI!_-ISsNYIv-EzCAMVG68l3LTuJR05CNwnrOVInAsz8Xs 2. Extract the contents of the archive anywhere and then from inside the "~ FORSAKEN ~ v0.1" folder, copy the ReShade folder, ReShade.fx, and dxgi.dll into your Lords Of The Fallen "bin" game folder(where LordsOfTheFallen.exe lives)normally located at: ...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Lords Of The Fallen\bin. That's it! When you start the game you should see the ReShade text pop up in the upper left. ***TURN OFF in-game CHROMASHIFT*** It's just terrible. I enable subtle CA in the preset which does the job much more tastefully without being an eyesore. *Scroll Lock* toggles on/off the ReShade FX so you can see the difference. There will be a 5-10 fps loss depending on the scene. Also, I've found that minimizing from fullscreen and then going back into the game causes the game to lock at 30fps. I don't know why it does this. I haven't seen this happen in other games, but if you want a better framerate, don't do that.
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16 Aug 22:31 CEST

Thanks, man. Next time I play this, I'll have a look.

10 May 22:40 CEST

Just tweak a bit the red color, it is looking a tad pink-ish. All else is perfect! :)

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