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by nejok

Next Gen effect - Comic tone

Created by grhythmo
Added Aug. 8, 2016
Updated 11 Aug 19:03 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
comparison video (effect on at 0.10): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDPzD7iW1C0 important note You can close shader effect by pressing "scroll lock" if you get blur screen effect in character sheet menu main feature - Comic Tone Color - Run 60+ fps on GTX960 - Ambient occlusion shadows - Acceptable DOF (for me :D) tweak guide if you need more brighter pic, you can adjust "curve" or turn it off. - go to "game folder/reshade/ and open SweetFX.cfg by using notepad. - to turn off, change #define USE_CURVES value from 1 to 0. - to adjust, decrease #define Curves_contrast value between 0.1 - 0.5. or try to change #define Curves_mode to 0. credit this preset was edited from VTMB: Director's cut reshade by piratefromvoid.
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download link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6xa23-RGy5qbTNyZHU2dFl3NWc extract and copy files to your game folder.


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