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2016 Dead Rising 3 ReShade

Preset for Dead Rising 3
Created by tso184
Added Oct. 11, 2016
Updated 11 Oct 14:37 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
How to install: 1) Download this archive: http://www.mediafire.com/file/lfppbikfgba9pbj/deadrising3.rar 2) Extract the files to your Dead Rising 3 library (from Steam, you can right click it in the game list, select properties, "Local Files" tab and "Browse local files") An alternative is to download the drivers from http://reshade.me/ then install it to your Dead Rising 3 library, and using the settings file supplied here. Just start the game and you should be good to go. You can toggle the effect with the scroll lock (ScrLk) button. If you want to change the key binding, or any settings, you can access the shader settings by shift-F2. I've also set up an optional DOF effect. Dead Rising 3 isn't optimal for playing with the DOF on, but it's a nice touch for getting some better looking screenshots, together with removing the HUD. I've added two screenshots showing the result of the DOF mod (with the HUD removed), one of them is a comparison with/without the DOF effect. If you want to add the DOF effect, see the readme in reshade-shaders/DOF folder of the rar archive. This is my very first upload here, I couldn't get any of the other ones already available working, so I made my own, hope you'll enjoy it. I would be happy if you would let me know if it worked for you by posting a comment.
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KeyAdaptiveSharpen=145,0,0,0 KeyBloomAndLensFlares=145,0,0,0 KeyClarity=145,0,0,0 KeyColourfulness=145,0,0,0 KeyCurves=145,0,0,0 KeyVibrance=145,0,0,0 KeyHighPassSharp=145,0,0,0 Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,BloomAndLensFlares,Clarity,Colourfulness,Curves,HighPassSharp,Vibrance [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3.000000 ClarityBlendMode=2.000000 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50.000000 ClarityBlendIfLight=205.000000 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0.000000 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=1.000000 L_compr_low=0.169000 D_compr_low=0.253000 curveslope=0.400000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_compr_high=0.337000 D_compr_high=0.504000 max_scale_lim=0.100000 pm_p=0.750000 [Bloom.fx] bGodrayEnable=0.000000 iBloomMixmode=2.000000 fBloomSaturation=0.200000 bAnamFlareEnable=0.000000 fBloomThreshold=0.830000 fBloomAmount=0.700000 fLensdirtSaturation=2.000000 fBloomTint=0.700000,0.800000,1.000000 fLensdirtIntensity=0.400000 bLensdirtEnable=0.000000 fFlareLuminance=0.095000 iLensdirtMixmode=1.000000 fLensdirtTint=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 bLenzEnable=0.000000 fAnamFlareThreshold=0.900000 fAnamFlareWideness=2.400000 fAnamFlareAmount=14.500000 fAnamFlareCurve=1.200000 fAnamFlareColor=0.012000,0.313000,0.588000 fLenzIntensity=1.000000 fLenzThreshold=0.800000 bChapFlareEnable=0.000000 fChapFlareTreshold=0.900000 iChapFlareCount=15.000000 fChapFlareDispersal=0.250000 fChapFlareSize=0.450000 fFlareIntensity=2.070000 fChapFlareCA=0.000000,0.010000,0.020000 fChapFlareIntensity=100.000000 fGodrayDecay=0.990000 fGodrayExposure=1.000000 fGodrayWeight=1.250000 fGodrayDensity=1.000000 fGodrayThreshold=0.900000 iGodraySamples=128.000000 fFlareBlur=200.000000 fFlareTint=0.137000,0.216000,1.000000 [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=0.400000 lim_luma=0.700000 [Curves.fx] Mode=2.000000 Formula=4.000000 Contrast=0.300000 [HighPassSharpen.fx] HighPassSharpRadius=1.000000 HighPassSharpOffset=1.000000 HighPassViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 HighPassBlendIfDark=0.000000 HighPassBlendMode=1.000000 HighPassBlendIfLight=255.000000 HighPassSharpStrength=0.400000 HighPassDarkIntensity=1.000000 HighPassLightIntensity=1.000000 HighPassViewSharpMask=0.000000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=16.000000 WhitePoint=235.000000 HighlightClipping=0.000000 [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=0.150000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000


3 Mar 12:31 CET

Hey, TSO. I reinstalled the game and can't wait to try the preset. I'm loving the screenshots. Great job. Keep up the solid work.

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