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Clear Vision

Preset for Mafia III
Created by Myashi
Added Nov. 25, 2016
Updated 25 Nov 16:46 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
INTRODUCTION This is a performance friendly preset, that aim to reduce the blurry visuals and enhance the colors. To get this i've made different custom LUTs, and tested them in many different locations, time and weather. The outcome is a nice balance of vibrant and satured colors, warm and cold lights and a general reduction of the vanilla blur effect. DESCRIPTION -> Blur reduced and enhanced details -> Vibrant and saturated colors -> Performance friendly -> Right balance of brightness and contrast -> Warm lights during days* -> Cold lights during nights* * possible with a combination of different color adjustment levels and custom LUTs blended at differents opacity. However the cold lights i meant, are more visibile in cloudy/rainy days while generally, are used to balance the warm ones. I made it on my tastes, I hope you like it =) DOWNLOAD Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ccf46d1874553r0/MIII_Clear_Vision.zip INSTALLATION - Extract the archive content, in the folder where the .exe of the game, is located. - Right here: \Steam\steamapps\common\Mafia III\ - Enjoy your game =) DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS * The preset is meant to work at 1080p. Is not tested on 2k or 4k. Feel free to try =) * I recommend to leave the in game gamma at 50% ( it's tricky since there's not a slider, set it following your perception ) * If you don't get the same look of mine, set your monitor accordly. * It works like a charm on win 10. * Keep update your gpu always with latest drivers. * This game loves crashes. Fortunately with the latest patch it happens less frequently. Keeping this in mind i recomend to disable any monitoring software like, msi afterburner, evga precision and such ( included steam overlay ), before of launch the game. * Reccomended in-game settings: FULL SCREEN -> ON RESOLUTION -> 1920 X 1080 FPS: 60 ( you can also set on unlimited, on my pc works best set on 60 ) VSYNCH: OFF ( set from driver panel fast synch if you're a nvidia user or use inspector to force it, if you have a kepler gpu ) AMBIENT OCCLUSION: HIGH ( doesn't seem to impact fps ) MOTION BLUR: OFF ( don't impact fps but i suggest to set it off as first step to reduce blur while walking/driving cars ) GEOMETRY DETAILS: HIGH ( in other games is a killer setting, here seems it doesn't impact fps ) SHADOW QUAULITY: HIGH ( minimal impact on fps, you can keep on high or try lowering it ) REFLECTION QUALITY: LOW ( DAMN HUGE fps impact n°1 ) VOLUMETRIC EFFECTS: LOW ( DAMN HUGE fps impact n°2 - set these two to low and enjoy the nice fps boost ) ANTIALIASING: MED ( you need to set this to medium, this is the n°1 cause of BLURRY VISUALS**** ) **** I recommend the antialiasing to medium instead of low, since in the preset there's no aliasing included. After a shitload of test, i found that almost any kind of different antialiasing ( in game, injected or the nvidia fxaa ) sucks and blur as fuck on this game. The in-game antialiasing at medium reduce a bit, the jaggered edges, doesn't blur so much and seems to work good with the reshade lumasharpen. Setting to low you'll have much jaggered edges and you'll need to tune again the lumasharpen. Feel free to try =) PERFORMANCE I run the game on a 5820k processor ( stock ), paired with 16gb ram and my old gtx 780. The preset has mostly none fps loss cause it uses a LUT. When the game drops i get a minimum loss of 1-2 fps. VIDEO On YT you can find a short video of this preset. Link -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZBMrwNP88 INFO This is the 1.0 version of the preset. I'll probably update it when the game will run better ( aka = there's need of other patches ). This presets is made on reshade 1.1.
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