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Realistic V8 - Alpha V10 - Dec 2017

Preset for Squad
Created by RaymanDK
Added Dec. 23, 2016
Updated 22 Dec 15:16 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
The goal of my preset is to give the game a more clear, subtle, realistic look and feel. I hope, I somewhat achieved that. Latest version (V8 - Squad V10). For changes read the changelog.
ABOUT MY PRESET Does Change the colors for a more realistic look. Make the image sharper. No more blurriness. You can actually spot people now. Increase overall game brightness. Shadows are brighter as well. Have a custom SMAA setting to help with jagginess. (Off by default. Enable in Reshade menu). Doesn't Apply everything just because I can. Just increase gamma. Kill your FPS. Oversaturate.
INFO I've purposefully not used any settings that will tank your fps. Most I've lost is 4 fps. That's with SMAA OFF. Press Scroll Lock to turn it ON and OFF. Shift+F2 for Reshade menu. Pictures will be updated with every new version. Game settings Make sure view distance is set to epic. Makes it less pixelated. Shadows make a huge difference! I recommend using my custom Reshade SMAA setting. It's are available from V6 and forward just turn it on in the Reshade menu. Use super sampling if you have a really powerful machine. Screenshots are taken with 2.2 in-game gamma. Monitors are different, so if some maps are too bright for you turn down the in-game gamma and vice versa if too dark. I recommend a value around 1.5-2.2. Make sure your contrast is calibrated for the best results. Feedback Please give some feedback. Not only for me, but for people who have never used Reshade before. Thank you. Feedback can be given here: https://redd.it/5jxn26
CHANGELOG V8 - Dec 2017 Corrected brightness. - Big improvement. Corrected colors. - Minor but was needed. Corrected sharpening. - Fixed. Updated everything really. Updated for Squad V10. Now go play it goddamnit it's amazing! V7 - May 2017 Updated brightness - A lot better on all maps. Updated color correction - Minor but very noticeable. Updated saturation - Maps needed more color. V6 - Apr. 2017 Added SMAA - Turn off in-game AA and use my custom Reshade SMAA setting until proper AA support is in the game."Shift+F2" to enable. Fixed brightness - More subtle and just out right looks better. Remember to lower in-game gamma on very bright maps and vice versa if too dark. Updated Sharpness - Perfect on all maps now. Subtle. V5 - Mar. 2017 Fixed sharpness. - Over sharpening could occur. Fixed brightness. - From feedback. Eye strain and light bleed. Updated color curve. - Better saturation across all maps. Just looks better in general. Updated for Alpha V9. - Use Reshade SMAA. V4 - Dec. 2016 Fixed brightness - Would bleed on bright textures. Increased sharpness by 100% - Crisper image. Updated color strength. - Minor changes. Updated injector used - Uses Reshade now. Updated instructions. V3 - Nov. 2016 Fixed colors strength. - Were causing weird colors on some maps. Fixed issues with the new lighting system. - Saturation and brighter shadows. Increased overall brightness by 43%. - Too dark. A lot brighter now. Increased sharpening by 400%. - Works well with and without AA. Updated color correction. - Green was too dominant. Updated for Alpha V8 - Game would crash. Fullscreen works. Updated instructions. V2 - Okt. 2016 Added instructions. Fixed blue tint. - Blue was too dominant. V1 - Feb. 2016 Color correction. - More realistic colors. Initial release for alpha.
DOWNLOAD V8 with all the files and instructions included to use on a clean version of Squad or just overwrite everything if you're returning from a previous version: http://bit.ly/RealisticSquadV8ByRaymanDK If you have any problems go to the feedback page or just add me on Steam. I'll be happy to help. Don't be afraid to say hi if you see me in-game :-) If you use any of my settings in your own preset please give credit where it's due. I already see people not doing that. Shaking my head.
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