0 minutes ago
Preset description:
UPDATE NOTICE: if preset doesn't work for w/e reasons, install official reshade 3.0.8 or newer
Once you have it working in your game,
make sure to make a profile and enable lut in the reshade menu ingame.
Lastly, replace your reshade>textures folder from this preset {or just the lut.png from within] into your reshade>textures folder, within your game folder.
Minimal FPS Impact.Uses LUT in reshade 3.0.8 instead of .fx shaders.
1. DOWNLOAD https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-BYWSRCaX-6UWtQWG95RUF2WWM/view?usp=sharing
2. extract it into your game directory where the game exe is
3. play and enjoy
If Fxaa is blurry for you, use Lumasharpen Not enabled by default (use hotkey to enable)
Fxaa is enabled by default (use hotkey to disable)
Do not use in-game anti-aliasing if you keep FXAA on
DOWNLOAD from link above.
Menu for reshade= shift + delete
Toggle all off/on= shift + insert
Effects on/off
Lut= shift + numpad-
FXAA= shift + numpad*
Lumasharpen= shift + numpad/
--defog, to get rid of the the nasty green tint everywhere.
--HDR to get sharper image
--curves for improved contrast/gamma and RGB color grades
--Fxaa is enabled by default
1. DOWNLOAD from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-BYWSRCaX-6UWtQWG95RUF2WWM/view?usp=sharing
2. extract it into your game directory where the game exe is
3. play and enjoy
report any issues