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R6 Siege - Real Clarity

Created by Clarity
Added Jan. 1, 2018
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
## NOTE ## Mirror image of game displayed in top left corner when Reshade is disabled. Real Clarity is designed to provide CLEAR visual enhancements while maintaining the developers original vision. Techniques Used: AmbientLight - Cool tone Clarity - Enhance Object Detail LumaSharpen - Remove image blur Tonemap - Defog Brown tone & reduce Saturation HOW TO INSTALL: 1. Download Reshade Installer from https://reshade.me 2. Extract and Run 'Reshade_Setup_3.1.X.exe' 3. Click the "Select Game" button and navigate windows explorer to <DRIVE>:\Steam\steamapps\common\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Select 'RainbowSiz' application file and click 'Open' 5. Click 'Directx 10+' as the rendering API 6. Click 'Yes" to download a collection of standard effects 7. Uncheck All and choose 'AmbientLight.fx', 'Clarity.fx', 'LumaSharpen.fx' and 'ToneMap.fx' from the list of effects to install and select 'OK' to complete installation 8. Download my "R6 Siege - Real Clarity" preset and copy it to <DRIVE>:\Steam\steamapps\common\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege directory 9. Launch R6 Siege and press "SHIFT F2" to open Reshade Configuration 10. Select 'Continue' to begin Reshade configuration 11. From the drop down menu select 'R6 Siege - Real Clarity' preset and select 'Continue', then 'Continue" and 'Finish' 12. Select the 'Settings' tab and define a desired 'Effects Toggle Key' (F3 as an example) 13. From the 'Settings' tab change 'Configuration Mode' to 'Performance Mode' and close Reshade (SHIFT F2)
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Effects=Tonemap.fx,AmbientLight.fx,Clarity.fx,LumaSharpen.fx Techniques=AmbientLight,Clarity,Tonemap,LumaSharpen TechniqueSorting=AmbientLight,Clarity,LumaSharpen,Tonemap [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3 ClarityBlendMode=2 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.400000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50 ClarityBlendIfLight=205 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0 ClarityStrength=0.400000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0 [LumaSharpen.fx] pattern=1 sharp_strength=3.000000 sharp_clamp=0.050000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0 [Tonemap.fx] Defog=0.030000 Bleach=0.100000 Gamma=1.000000 Exposure=0.100000 Saturation=-0.400000 FogColor=1.000000,0.470588,0.000000 [AmbientLight.fx] alDebug=0 alAdaptBaseMult=1.000000 alInt=4.000000 AL_DirtTex=0 alThreshold=100.000008 AL_Adaptation=1 alAdapt=0.700000 AL_Dirt=1 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=2 alLensThresh=0.500000 AL_Vibrance=0 AL_Adaptive=1 alDirtInt=1.000000 alDirtOVInt=1.000000 alLensInt=2.000000 AL_Lens=0


21 Feb 17:20 CET

Hi, your preset is awesome. Can you help those of us who have no idea what we are doing and add SMAA and Vibrancy controls?
SMAA is not really needed but Vibrancy controls would greatly improve the experience. Thx.

3 Jan 11:37 CET

Shadow552400: R6 Siege uses Battle Eye for its anti-cheat protection. As a result Reshade or SweetFX are allowed.


"Generally we only ever ban for the use of actual cheats/hacks or components of such hacks which are designed to intentionally bypass BE’s protection. Otherwise you don’t need to worry about getting banned. For example, non-cheat overlays and visual enhancement tools like SweetFX are fully supported. We might decide to kick (not ban) you at some point for using a specific program (such as macro tools), but that won’t automatically flag you as a cheater."

2 Jan 09:12 CET

Will be ban ?

2 Jan 08:49 CET

MOJ: Greatly Appreciate the feedback mate. Thank You :)

2 Jan 08:48 CET

Mirror Window is only present when the Reshade is disabled. Once you enable your reshade it disappears. :)

1 Jan 19:14 CET

how to disable the mirror window ?

1 Jan 17:24 CET

The color correction is perfect, good job!

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