**If you are using SweetFX 1.5 you Must uncheck "enable 64-bit mode" in launcher. *THIS IS NOT REQUIRED IF USING BOULTAUR'S INJECTOR (64BIT DLL) - Credit to Ninjafada
**If you are using SweetFX 2.0 (ReShade) you do not need to disable 64bit mode as long as you use the 64bit dll.
*-For Steam Verson-*
-SweetFX Folder, .fx files, preset.txt and settings.txt go in Warframe\Downloaded\Public\tools
-d3d9.dll/dxgi.dll and injector.ini in warframe\Downloaded\Public
^SweetFX 2.0 still works much in the same as this for Steam except you need the SweetFX folder and .fx files in "tools" and Either the 32 bit or 64bit ReShade dll (renamed to either d3d9.dll or dxgi.dll depending on the DirectX you're on) in the the public folder. Other Suites for ReShade work in the same way for Steam.
*-For Standalone (site downloaded)-*
-All files Warframe\Downloaded\Public
- Move shortcut for launcher from desktop to folder above.
-I recommend making a shortcut to the Public folder and putting on your desktop.
^ Standalone version still works this way for SweetFX 2.0 and other Suites that use ReShade. However, do remember to rename the ReShade dll (either 32bit or 64bit) to either d3d9 or dxgi depending on what DirectX you are running.
Reason for the different installations is that the launcher reads the shader files after you hit "play" and thus the standalone must have the shortcut to the launcher in the directory otherwise you'll clutter your desktop unnecessarily with the sweetfx files. The steam version has the launcher under Tools so that is where the shader files must go in order for it to work.
Hey all, here's a link to my post on the forums detailing how I got ReShade 3.4.0 to work with the latest patch as of July 17, 2018. Hope it helps someone: https://reshade.me/forum/troubleshooting/4457-getting-reshade-to-work-w-warframe-in-july-2018#28752
remember to put dxgi.dll as read only to avoid it getting deleted by the launcher
How the hell do I get sweetfx to work with this.
@ZeroKnight I've partially updated the notes and will update them fully sometime tomorrow PST. Thank you for commenting, I owuld probably of never remembered to update these notes had you not.
Disabling 64-bit isn't necessary if you're using the latest SweetFX/Reshade. Not sure how old these notes are, though.
Added to game notes. :)
you can use dx11 64bit mode with boulotaur's injector
it's now stable ^^