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Wildstar SweetFX
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi every one , i am currently playing wildstar and so far i didn't manage to make sweetfx work with it , i tried the dx9 trick and tried the new 64bit but nothing work . i would like to ask if any one can tell me how to make it work or if there is any one working on it so sweetfx could run with Wildstar
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
didn't work :(
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
Such overlays where disabled by the wildstar devs about 2 month after release. There is no working solution atm.
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
I've just editing the original title of this tread... lol... "Widlstar SweetFX" was buggin the shit out of me :D
Posted 9 years, 5 months ago
i hope someone out there would take a look at it and find a fix for it :(
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