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Sniper Elite 3

Entry created by piterrrxd
Added June 28, 2014
SweetFX game notes:
Extract into - \Steam\SteamApps\common\Sniper Elite 3\bin and the SweetFX folder also into - \Steam\SteamApps\common\Sniper Elite 3 That's because the injector searches for files in both directories.

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
Action Movie Mod (better blood+light) Feb. 10, 2015 bobdotexe 7 1135 SweetFX 1.4
Cakals Sweetfx (Realism True Colors HD) June 29, 2014 bosnaks 19 1340 SweetFX 1.5
DarkTRiNiTy - Sharp Feb. 9, 2015 DarkTRiNiTy 15 854 SweetFX 1.5
eARTHQUAKe Config 3.0 - Final Aug. 24, 2014 Earthquake 20 1243 SweetFX 1.4
Film-noir by Cheatkiller Oct. 29, 2014 Cheatkiller 1 801 SweetFX 1.5
FX July 27, 2014 Earthquake 10 1189 SweetFX 1.5
Grittier Look Nov. 21, 2017 sherrydason 12 817 ReShade
K-putt'e Config 1.1 June 28, 2014 K-putt 4 2135 SweetFX 1.5
My Sniper Elite 3 July 5, 2014 Abrahadabra 6 1195 SweetFX 1.5
OldMovie Mod (black&white!) Feb. 10, 2015 bobdotexe 3 860 SweetFX 1.4
PhotorealisticSniperElite3 Oct. 24, 2019 Chavolatra 4 693 ReShade
Sniper Color July 27, 2014 Earthquake 13 1093 SweetFX 1.5
Sniper Elite III Defined by Bopper2010 June 7, 2015 bopper2010 3 1077 MasterEffect
xvt Jan. 29, 2021 xvt 7 501 ReShade


9 Feb 23:04 CET

I used ReShade 0.14.0 + SweetFX 2.0
& its works with EVERY game I have....


20 Jul 14:09 CEST

Thanks a lot bosnaks.....it works

8 Jul 13:41 CEST

this work

7 Jul 14:41 CEST

Doesn't working on windows 7 x64. Also tried Merlena's rar file. copied sweetFX folder both to bin and main folder...please help

6 Jul 18:13 CEST

Thanks for correcting me :>:D

2 Jul 18:24 CEST

@Merlena It was actually DX11.2 that broke SweetFX for win8.1. DX11.1 was included with WIndows 8 and that OS has no problems whatsoever running SweetFX in DX11.

1 Jul 02:20 CEST

My fault. I was using symlink to try other methods out, so it could "mirror" both files. Typing mistakes >< Dammit, can't even edit the comments.

Dxgi is the correct one. Sorry for the typo. :/ Feel like an idiot :/

30 Jun 14:42 CEST

Thanks for the solutions Merlena. I am confused on the dxgii versus the dxgi. Do I rename the eFX's dxgi.dll to dxgii.dll, regsvr32 it, THEN place it in the System32 folder?

30 Jun 08:35 CEST

Dammit, forgot to add the combination of eFX+SweetFX for you guys:

- http://ow.ly/yAqhV
- goo.gl/ftNKhq

30 Jun 08:29 CEST

Last resort, not recommended.

This removes restrictions, such as UAC and so, making you so to say owner and Administrator over everything, fully exposed. Use at own risk.

1. Open Powershell (as an admin)
2. Enter Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "EnableLUA" -Value "0"

setting EnableLUA to false (0) prevents Windows from notifying you that an app is installing or trying to make changes to the computer. This can be a bad thing, because you don't really know what it may be installing, or trying to change (it could be trying to change registry settings.

Source: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff715520.aspx

30 Jun 08:24 CEST

SweetFX has difficulites with 8.1, this why:

The file "dxgii" is a dynamic link libary,part of the DX9, DX10, DX10.1, DX11, DX11.1.

Windows 8 and 8.1 uses the new DirectX 11.1, which is an updated API of the DirectX runtime.

The issue is that when injected into memory of the game it will start to load the shaders that makes this critical - it conflicts mainly with HLSL which is C++ based shaders, and these injectors are compiled by D3DCompiler. Loading unsupported shaders with wrong libery file (dgxii.dll) (Originally named dgxi), what happens? HSDL is created by both DX runtimes, which is updated as said in W8.

1. The file should be signed with (;cmd syntax: regsvr32 "dxgii.dll") you need full admin rights by Windows.
2. Turn off logging in SweetFX/eFX.
3. Turn off SMAA/FXAA or forced AA. (These needs the correct bits first.)
5. Compatibility the executable as running in Windows 7, and as Administrator.
6. Take ownership of all files within the game folder.
7. Disable overlays.
8. Use x64, x86; the correct dxgii.dll in the folders for the game. Do not include d3d9.dll.

¤##Sign the dynamic libary file¤##

- Win+R "CMD.exe"; enter.
Type syntax: regsvr32 dxgi.dll

¤## x64 bit ¤##
Place dxgii into ROOT\Windows\System32\

RadeonPro is just a waste of time and only supports SweetFX up to 1.4 (or last time I tried it).


28 Jun 21:22 CEST

SweetFX not working Tell me a solution
I did everything I needed to install
but does not work sweetfx

28 Jun 08:51 CEST

Neither RadeonPro nor eFX bundle work with WIN8.1 64bit. Did anyone with WIN8.1 64-bit get it to work?

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