1 month ago
Preset | Added | By | Screenshots | Downloads | Shader |
bm | Sept. 29, 2014 | bahram | 2 | 1027 | SweetFX 1.5 |
Ethan Carter - Gamma correct | Sept. 27, 2014 | Santer | 12 | 1126 | SweetFX 1.5 |
K-putt'e Config 1.1 | Sept. 26, 2014 | K-putt | 8 | 2818 | SweetFX 1.5 |
MaxFX Preset | Sept. 26, 2014 | DirtyDan | 3 | 1566 | SweetFX 1.5 |
More saturated and without soap | Sept. 30, 2014 | -HaVoK- | 6 | 1056 | SweetFX 1.5 |
Natural Colors & Lighting | Sept. 28, 2014 | Xanvast | 15 | 1184 | SweetFX 1.5 |
OmniFX v1.0 | April 29, 2015 | Omnipotus | 10 | 931 | SweetFX 2.0 |
Proudi´s - Awesome FX | April 5, 2015 | Proudi | 13 | 1224 | SweetFX 2.0 |
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Cinema | Sept. 26, 2014 | Erebos | 8 | 1240 | SweetFX 1.5 |
xI The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Ix | Sept. 26, 2014 | Jak | 4 | 1371 | SweetFX 1.5 |