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Visual Upgrade FEAR 3

Preset for F.E.A.R 3
Created by chiculin
Added Aug. 27, 2022
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
A visual upgrade for FEAR3 focusing on bloom and sharpen as original feels very washed out for me. The preset boosts colors, increase bloom effect on lights and surfaces. With lift gamma gain the overall midtones was corrected without darken the image. Chromatic aberration fits perfectly with game theme in my opinion. Effects, - Quint Sharp - Chromatic aberration - Lift gamma gain - DPX - Quint Bloom Minor performance impact, 3-4 FPS as much. Install, Download and install last reshade, select fear3.exe and dx11. Install standard, sweetfx, legacy and Quint libraries. Download the preset, change file to *.ini and place it on game directory. To increase ingame FOV, add a launch command on steam, -fov:105 (max) Best regards,
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=DELC_Sharpen@qUINT_sharp.fx,CA@ChromaticAberration.fx,DPX@DPX.fx,LiftGammaGain@LiftGammaGain.fx,Bloom@qUINT_bloom.fx TechniqueSorting=DELC_Sharpen@qUINT_sharp.fx,CA@ChromaticAberration.fx,DPX@DPX.fx,LiftGammaGain@LiftGammaGain.fx,Bloom@qUINT_bloom.fx [ChromaticAberration.fx] Shift=2.500000,-0.500000 Strength=0.485000 [DPX.fx] Colorfulness=2.500000 Contrast=0.100000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Saturation=3.000000 Strength=0.200000 [LiftGammaGain.fx] RGB_Gain=1.010000,1.010000,1.010000 RGB_Gamma=0.985000,0.985000,0.985000 RGB_Lift=0.972000,0.972000,0.972000 [qUINT_bloom.fx] BLOOM_ADAPT_EXPOSURE=0.000000 BLOOM_ADAPT_MODE=1 BLOOM_ADAPT_SPEED=2.962000 BLOOM_ADAPT_STRENGTH=0.500000 BLOOM_CURVE=2.256000 BLOOM_INTENSITY=0.936000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_1=0.050000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_2=0.050000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_3=0.050000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_4=0.100000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_5=0.500000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_6=0.010000 BLOOM_LAYER_MULT_7=0.010000 BLOOM_SAT=2.000000 BLOOM_TONEMAP_COMPRESSION=4.000000 [qUINT_sharp.fx] DEPTH_MASK_ENABLE=1 RMS_MASK_ENABLE=1 SHARPEN_MODE=1 SHARP_STRENGTH=0.864998


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