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Creature of the Night

Created by Gemini
Added Sept. 27, 2023
Updated 27 Sep 14:03 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
Requires Blood Omen 2: Re-vamped patch 1 - Download and install the re-vamped patch here: [u]https://classicrebirth.com/index.php/blood-omen-2-re-vamped/[/u] - Easy to install. Instruction are found on the page under "DOWNLOADS & RELEVANT LINKS" 2 - Download the reshade preset from this page to the folder of your choosing. 3 - Download and open the latest Reshade install file from https://reshade.me/ - Select Blood Omen 2(Bo2) and click "Next". Press "OK" on the warning about Direct3D 8. You don't have to follow the instruction in this dialog box. Just ignore it. - Select Microsoft DirectX 9 - It will now ask to select preset to install. Browse and find the preset you downloaded in step 2. Now all you have to do is press "Next" all the way to the end of installation, as all shaders needed for the preset will be downloaded automatically. Click "Finish". 4 - Launch Blood Omen 2 and press "Home" to open reshade to twiddle and tweak if you like, or leave the preset as is. Artifacts - Having "Motion Blur" turned ON might result in some weird graphical "twists", like when you use "Jump" Dark Gift the screen flashes white. This is the FakeHDR shader that doesn't work well with the motion blur setting. If you don't like these extra "effects" just turn off "Motion Blur" in the game menu. - Ambient Occlusion(corner shadows) will display through ground mist and certain UI/Menu elements at times, but it is in my opinion a small price to pay for the added quality. Enjoy my very first Reshade preset upload :)
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Techniques=FXAA@FXAA.fx,MXAO@qUINT_mxao.fx,AdaptiveSharpen@AdaptiveSharpen.fx,HDR@FakeHDR.fx,AmbientLight@AmbientLight.fx,Levels@Levels.fx,Curves@Curves.fx,MagicBloom@MagicBloom.fx,Colourfulness@Colourfulness.fx [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curveslope=0.500000 curve_height=0.750000 D_compr_high=0.500000 D_compr_low=0.250000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_compr_high=0.334000 L_compr_low=0.167000 L_overshoot=0.003000 pm_p=0.700000 scale_cs=0.056000 scale_lim=0.100000 [AmbientLight.fx] alAdapt=0.700000 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=2 alAdaptBaseMult=1.000000 alDebug=0 alDirtInt=1.000000 alDirtOVInt=1.000000 alInt=10.150000 alLensInt=0.514000 alLensThresh=0.500000 alThreshold=15.000000 AL_Adaptation=1 AL_Adaptive=0 AL_Dirt=1 AL_DirtTex=0 AL_Dither=1 AL_Lens=1 AL_Vibrance=0 [Colourfulness.fx] backbuffer_bits=8.000000 colourfulness=0.000000 col_noise=1 enable_dither=0 lim_luma=0.700000 [Curves.fx] Contrast=0.500000 Formula=4 Mode=0 [FakeHDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.658000 radius2=0.922000 [FXAA.fx] EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000 Subpix=0.250000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=2 HighlightClipping=0 WhitePoint=255 [MagicBloom.fx] f2Adapt_Clip=0.000000,1.000000 fAdapt_Sensitivity=1.000000 fAdapt_Speed=0.100000 fBloom_Intensity=1.000000 fBloom_Threshold=2.000000 fDirt_Intensity=0.000000 fExposure=0.500000 iAdapt_Precision=2 iDebug=0 [qUINT_mxao.fx] MXAO_AMOUNT_COARSE=1.000000 MXAO_AMOUNT_FINE=1.000000 MXAO_BLEND_TYPE=1 MXAO_DEBUG_VIEW_ENABLE=0 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_END=0.500000 MXAO_FADE_DEPTH_START=0.111000 MXAO_GLOBAL_RENDER_SCALE=1.000000 MXAO_GLOBAL_SAMPLE_QUALITY_PRESET=3 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS=2.003000 MXAO_SAMPLE_RADIUS_SECONDARY=0.200000 MXAO_SSAO_AMOUNT=2.400000 PreprocessorDefinitions=MXAO_ENABLE_IL=0,MXAO_TWO_LAYER=5,MXAO_HIGH_QUALITY=5,MXAO_SMOOTHNORMALS=1


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