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Pixelation and 8bit color

Preset for War Thunder
Created by Iddqd
Added Jan. 18, 2015
Shader used: SweetFX 1.5
Preset description:
Link for download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dh691npde9g3ks8/SWEET_FX_MeGa_PACK.rar?dl=0 P.S This settings maybe unplaybe :-)
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/*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Description / '------------------------------------------------------------/ SweetFX version : Sekta's Custom 1.5.1 Injector : Boulotaur2024 Injector Extras : Chromatic Aberration V1 + V2 + V3, Postsharpen, Gaussian, Film Grain, Color Blind, Fixed Value Ranges for RadeonPro, The Elder Scrolls Online Compatibility Game : Author : Preset : Description : If you made a good settings preset please share it with your friends, on forums and websites, and/or submit it to the SweetFX Settings Database : http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/ Hope you enjoy my mod. - CeeJay.dk /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Choose effects / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF #define USE_SMAA_ANTIALIASING 0 //[0 or 1] SMAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the SMAA technique. #define USE_FXAA_ANTIALIASING 0 //[0 or 1] FXAA Anti-aliasing : Smoothens jagged lines using the FXAA technique. #define USE_GAUSSIAN 0 //[0 or 1] Gaussian Blur : can be used to... blur, but also bloom/hazy/glowy look, also unsharp masking. #define USE_FILMGRAIN 0 //[0 or 1] Filmgrain effect. #define USE_EXPLOSION 0 //[0 or 1] Explosion : Scatters the pixels, making the image look fuzzy. #define USE_CA 0 //[0 or 1] Chromatic aberration. You can only use Chromatic Aberration OR the Explosion Shader. Not both at the same time. #define USE_CA2 0 //[0 or 1] Chromatic Aberration : Color Shift new method. #define USE_CA3 0 //[0 or 1] Chromatic Aberration + Lens Distortion : Color Shift + Lens Distraction. #define USE_CA4 0 //[0 or 1] Chromatic Aberration : Only Blue Color Shift. #define USE_SHIFT 1 //[0 or 1] Alters the mood of the scene, for more of a filmic look. Typically best suited to realistic style games. #define USE_FAUXCELL 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_CSHADE 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_ANAMFLARE 0 //[0 or 1] DOSNT WORK! #define USE_PAINT 0 //[0 or 1] DOSNT WORK! #define USE_CARTOON 0 //[0 or 1] Cartoon : "Toon"s the image(Interferes with SMAA, CRT, Bloom, HDR and Lumasharpen). #define USE_DOS 0 //[0 or 1] DOSNT WORK! #define USE_PIXEL 1 //[0 or 1] Pixelation #define USE_ADVANCED_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] Advanced CRT : Simulates an old CRT TV display. Set Gaussian Blur along with it to get a halation effect. #define USE_PIXELART_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] PixelArt CRT : Scanlines for pixel art (high performance cost) #define USE_LOTTES_CRT 0 //[0 or 1] Timothy Lottes' CRT. #define USE_BLOOM 0 //[0 or 1] Bloom : Makes bright lights bleed their light into their surroundings (relatively high performance cost). #define USE_KABLOOM 0 //[0 or 1] KaBloom : Makes bright lights bleed their light into their surroundings (relatively high performance cost). #define USE_BLENDED_BLOOM 0 //[0 or 1] High Quality Bloom, using blend techniques. Blooms naturally, per environment. #define USE_HDR 0 //[0 or 1] HDR : Not actual HDR - It just tries to mimic an HDR look (relatively high performance cost). #define USE_GEMHDR 0 //[0 or 1] GEMFX HDR : Not actual HDR - It just tries to mimic an HDR look (relatively high performance cost). #define USE_HDR2 0 //[0 or 1] NEED FOR GEM HDR for correctly work Effects. #define USE_DPX 0 //[0 or 1] Cineon DPX : Should make the image look like it's been converted to DXP Cineon - basically it's another movie-like look similar to technicolor. #define USE_NEWDPX 0 //[0 or 1] Cineon DPX SWFX 1.6 : Should make the image look like it's been converted to DXP Cineon - basically it's another movie-like look similar to technicolor. #define USE_LUMASHARPEN 0 //[0 or 1] LumaSharpen : Also sharpens the antialiased edges which makes them less smooth - I'm working on fixing that. #define USE_BICUBIC 0 //[0 or 1] Bicubic Texture Unsharpen Mask. Looks similar to a negative LOD bias. Enhances texture fidelity. #define USE_LEVELS 0 //[0 or 1] Levels : Sets a new black and white point. This increases contrast but causes clipping. Use Curves instead if you want to avoid that. #define USE_TECHNICOLOR 0 //[0 or 1] Technicolor : Attempts to mimic the look of an old movie using the Technicolor three-strip color process. Algorithm from prod80 #define USE_SWFX_TECHNICOLOR 0 //[0 or 1] TECHNICOLOR : Attempts to mimic the look of an old movie using the Technicolor three-strip color process (Techicolor Process 4) Algorithm from SweetFX. #define USE_COLORMATRIX 0 //[0 or 1] Color Matrix : Allows color modification using a user-defined color matrix. #define USE_MONOCHROME 0 //[0 or 1] Monochrome : Monochrome makes the colors disappear. #define USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN 0 //[0 or 1] Lift Gamma Gain : Adjust brightness and color of shadows, midtones and highlights (avoids clipping). #define USE_MIDTONES 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_TONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] Tonemap : Adjust gamma, exposure, saturation, bleach and defog (may cause clipping). #define USE_GAMMA 0 //[0 or 1] RGB Gamma Correction. sRGB->Linear->sRGB correction curve. Enable for games with incorrect gamma. #define USE_TONEMAP2 0 //[0 or 1] Tonemap : Addition Tonemap Effects. #define USE_FILMIC 0 //[0 or 1] Filmic Pass: Applies some common color adjustments to mimic a more cinema-like look. #define USE_SFILMIC 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_COLORMOOD 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_COLORWASHOUT 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_DESATURATION 0 //[0 or 1] Desaturation : Desaturate specific color channels. #define USE_FINALADJUSTER 0 //[0 or 1] #define USE_VIBRANCE 0 //[0 or 1] Vibrance : Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation. #define USE_CURVES 0 //[0 or 1] Curves : Contrast adjustments using S-curves. #define USE_SEPIA 0 //[0 or 1] Sepia : Sepia tones the image. #define USE_SKYRIMTONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] Skyrim Tonemap: Applies color correction/tonemapping based on tonemappers of popular Skyrim ENB's. #define USE_CROSSPROCESS 0 //[0 or 1] Cross Processing: Simulates wrong chemistry in color processing. #define USE_REINHARD 0 //[0 or 1] Reinhard: This is the Reinhard tonemapping shader, if you are interested, google how it works. #define USE_REINHARDLINEAR 0 //[0 or 1] Reinhard: Reinhard mixed with some linear tonemapping. #define USE_COLORMOD 0 //[0 or 1] Colormod: Contrast, Saturation and Brightness ported from colormod.asi. #define USE_SPHERICALTONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] Spherical Tonemap: Another approach on tonemapping, uses some sphere algorithms. #define USE_HPD 0 //[0 or 1] Haarm Peter Duiker Filmic Tonemapping: Tonemapping used in Watch Dogs, ripped from the Watch Dogs shaders themselves. #define USE_FILMICCURVE 0 //[0 or 1] Filmic Curve: Improved version of the well-known Uncharted 2 filmic curve, first seen in iCEnhancer 0.3. #define USE_POSTSHARPEN 0 //[0 or 1] Post Sharpen : Luma Sharpen at the end of the chain. #define USE_VIGNETTE 0 //[0 or 1] Vignette : Darkens the edges of the image to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens. May cause banding artifacts. #define USE_HD6_VIGNETTE 0 //[0 or 1] HeliosDoubleSix Vignette: Adds some advanced vignette (darkening shader) to lead focus to screen center #define USE_BORISVIGNETTE 0 //[0 or 1] Boris Vorontsov Vignette: Simple colorable version of vignette, darkens/tints the image at the corners #define USE_BLURVIGNETTE 0 //[0 or 1] Vignette : Darkens the edges of the image to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens. May cause banding artifacts. #define USE_DITHER 0 //[0 or 1] Dither : Applies dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. This lessens banding artifacts (mostly caused by Vignette). #define USE_COLORBLIND 0 //[0 or 1] Color Blind: Enable Color Blind Correction using LMS Daltonization Algorithm. #define USE_BORDER 0 //[0 or 1] Adds a 1 pixel black border around the screen to compensate white outlining caused by excessive sharpening #define USE_SWFXBORDER 0 //[0 or 1] Border : Makes the screenedge black as a workaround for the bright edge that forcing some AA modes sometimes causes. #define USE_MOVIEBARS 0 //[0 or 1] Movie Bars: blackens the image on the top and bottom, simulating a higher aspect ratio. Default set to 21:9 aspect ratio. #define USE_SPLITSCREEN 0 //[0 or 1] Splitscreen : Enables the before-and-after splitscreen comparison mode. #define USE_CUSTOM 0 //[0 or 1] Custom : Write your own shader by editing custom.hlsl, and then enable it here. #define USE_SINCITY 0 //[0 or 1] SinCity : Make the game look like the movie Sin City. #define USE_COLORHUEFX 0 //[0 or 1] Color Hue FX: Desaturates everything but colors from a fixed hue mid and the range around it. Similiar to Sin City but much better. Thanks, prod80! #define USE_LEIFX_REDUCT 1 //[0 or 1] Reduce to XXbpp with dither #define USE_LEIFX_FILTER 0 //[0 or 1] Filter the image #define USE_LEIFX_GAMMA 0 //[0 or 1] Gamma #define USE_ELEPHDRTONE 0 //[0 or 1] Tonemapping effect, uses Local Reinhard tonemapping as well as Uncharted2D tonemapping #define USE_ELEPBLOOM 0 //[0 or 1] ENB bloom controls, can be used for Vanilla game bloom as well or both with a bit of code tinkering #define USE_ELEPTONEMAP 0 //[0 or 1] A collection of the more common tonemapping methods used in game post-processing /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SMAA Anti-aliasing settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SMAA_THRESHOLD 0.10 //[0.05 to 0.20] Edge detection threshold. If SMAA misses some edges try lowering this slightly. I prefer between 0.08 and 0.12. #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS 16 //[0 to 98] Determines the radius SMAA will search for aliased edges #define SMAA_MAX_SEARCH_STEPS_DIAG 6 //[0 to 16] Determines the radius SMAA will search for diagonal aliased edges #define SMAA_CORNER_ROUNDING 0 //[0 to 100] Determines the percent of antialiasing to apply to corners. 0 seems to affect fine text the least so it's the default. // -- Advanced SMAA settings -- #define COLOR_EDGE_DETECTION 1 //[0 or 1] Enables color edge detection (slower but slightly more acurate) or luma edge detection (faster) #define SMAA_DIRECTX9_LINEAR_BLEND 0 //[0 or 1] Using DX9 HARDWARE? (software version doesn't matter) if so this needs to be 1 - If not, leave it at 0. //Enable this only if you use a Geforce 7xxx series or older card, or a Radeon X1xxx series or older card. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / FXAA Anti-aliasing settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FXAA_QUALITY__PRESET 39 //[1 to 39] Choose the quality preset. 39 is the highest quality. #define fxaa_Subpix 0.700 //[0.000 to 1.000] Choose the amount of sub-pixel aliasing removal. #define fxaa_EdgeThreshold 0.130 //[0.000 to 1.000] Edge detection threshold. The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm. #define fxaa_EdgeThresholdMin 0.100 //[0.000 to 1.000] Darkness threshold. Trims the algorithm from processing darks. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Gaussian Blur settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define GaussEffect 0 //[0|1|2|3] 0 = Blur, 1 = Unsharpmask (expensive), 2 = Bloom, 3 = Sketchy. Default is 2 #define GaussQuality 0 //[0|1|2|3] Warning: 2 and 3 are expensive. Default is 1 #define GaussSigma 0 //[0 to 4] The higher the wider blur/bloom is (only effective when Bloom selected) #define GaussThreshold 0.0 //[0.00 to 1.00] [DX10/11 only] Threshold for what is a bright light (that causes bloom) and what isn't. #define GaussExposure 100.0 //[0.00 to 100.00] [DX10/11 only] Exposure of the effect (the lower the brighter) #define GaussStrength 0.170 //[0.00 to 1.00] Amount of effect blended into the final image /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Film grain settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FilmGrainIntensity 1.0 //[0.00 to 1.00] Intensity of grain. Default is 0.46 #define FilmGrainExposure 30 //[0 to 100] Grain Exposure. Default is 40 (Lower -> darker noise) #define FilmGrainSize 6 //[0 to 10] Size of the grain. Default is 2 (Higher -> thinner noise) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Explosion settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Explosion_Radius 1.0 //[0.2 to 100.0] Amount of effect you want. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Chromatic Aberration settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define outOfFocus 0.016 //[0.00 to 1.000] How strong the effect should be. #define CHROMA_POW 65.0 //[10 to 100] Controls amount of chromatic abberation #define fvChroma float3(0.995, 1.000, 1.005) //Displacement of colors for chromatic abberation. 1.0 is original position #define fBaseRadius 0.9 #define fFalloffRadius 1.8 #define fChromaPower 1.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Chromatic Aberration 2 settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define chromatic_strength 1.0 //[0.000 to 1.000] How strong the effect should be. #define multiplier_Chromatic 1 // [0.000 to inf] how much of multiplier. #define Chromatic_shift float2(2.5,-0.5) //[-100.0 to 100.0, -100.00 to 100.0] Distance (X,Y) in pixels to shift the color components. //For a slightly blurred look try fractional values (.5) between two pixels. #define BlueColor 0 #define MagnetaColor 0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Chromatic Aberration 3 + Lens Distortion settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ChromaticAmount 0.016 //[0.000 to 1.000] Amount of chromatic aberration on the edges. #define OutOfChromaticAmount 35.0 //[0.00 to 1000.000] How strong the effect should be. #define LensDistortion 0.1 // Can be negative to stretch the image #define LensDistortionCubic 0.1 #define outOfFocus 0.016 //[0.00 to 1.000] How strong the effect should be. #define LensSize 0.6 // ~ 0.5 = Original image size; 1.0 = Zoomed /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Chromatic Aberration 4 settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ShiftSamplingRange 3.00 //[0.000 to 5.000] Amount of color shift /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Shift settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TonemapType 1 //[1 or 2] Type of tone mapping operator. 1 is natural map, 2 is cinematic(darker) map. (Default: 1) #define ToneAmount 0.25 //[0.00 to 1.00] Tonemap strength (scene correction) higher for stronger tone mapping, lower for lighter. (Default: ~ 0.25) #define BlackLevels 0.30 //[0.00 to 1.00] Black level balance (shadow correction). Increase to lighten blacks, lower to deepen them. (Default: ~ 0.30) #define Exposure2 1.00 //[0.10 to 2.00] White correction (brightness) Higher values for more Exposure, lower for less. #define Luminance 1.02 //[0.10 to 2.00] Luminance average (luminance correction) Higher values to decrease luminance average, lower values to increase luminance. #define WhitePoint 1.02 //[0.10 to 2.00] Whitepoint avg (lum correction) Use to alter the scene whitepoint average. Raising can give a cinema look. #define CorrectionPalette 2 //[0|1|2|3] The colour correction palette type. 1: RGB, 2: YUV, 3: XYZ, 0: off. 1 is default. This requires tone mapping enabled. #define RCurve 1.00 //[1.00 to 8.00] Red channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals red reduction. 1.00 is default. #define GCurve 1.00 //[1.00 to 8.00] Green channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals green reduction. 1.00 is default. #define BCurve 1.00 //[1.00 to 8.00] Blue channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals blue reduction. 1.00 is default. #define FilmicProcess 0 //[0 or 1] Filmic cross processing. Alters the mood of the scene, for more of a filmic look. Typically best suited to realistic style games. #define RedShift 0.60 //[0.10 to 1.00] Red colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the red balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess. #define GreenShift 0.50 //[0.10 to 1.00] Green colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the green balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess. #define BlueShift 0.50 //[0.10 to 1.00] Blue colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the blue balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess. #define ShiftRatio 0.20 //[0.10 to 1.00] The blending ratio for the base colour and the colour shift. Higher for a stronger effect. Requires FilmicProcess. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cartoon settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CartoonPower 4.0 //[0.1 to 10.0] Amount of effect you want. #define CartoonEdgeSlope 6.0 //[0.1 to 8.0] Raise this to filter out fainter edges. You might need to increase the power to compensate. Whole numbers are faster. #define CartoonColor -1.0 //[-1.0 OR 1.0] Sets border color to either black or white. -1 is black, 1 is white. #define CartoonThickness 1.0 //[1 and above] Sets border thickness. Looks best at values around 1.0 - 2.0. At higher values, sharpening helps visuals look better. // -- Advanced settings -- #define CartoonThicknessX 1.0 //[1 and above] Sets horizontal border distance. Looks best at values around 1.0 - 2.0. At higher values, sharpening helps visuals look better. #define CartoonThicknessY 1.0 //[1 and above] Sets vertical border distance. Looks best at values around 1.0 - 2.0. At higher values, sharpening helps visuals look better. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / DOS effect settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define EColorsCount 16.0001 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Pixelation effect settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PixelCountU 700.0 #define PixelCountV 700.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / FauxCell settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define threshold 0.0545 #define theresold2 0.027512 #define rgb2lum float3(0.30, 0.59, 0.11) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cshade settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define EdgeStrength 1.50 //[0.00 to 4.00] Overall strength of the cel edge outline effect. 0.00 = no outlines. #define EdgeFilter 0.60 //[0.10 to 2.00] Filters out fainter cel edges. Use it for balancing the cel edge density. EG: for faces, foliage, etc. Raise to filter out more edges. #define EdgeThickness 1.25 //[0.50 to 4.00] Thickness of the cel edges. Increase for thicker outlining. Note: when downsampling, you may need to raise this further to keep the edges as noticeable. #define PaletteType 2 //[1|2|3] The colour palette to use. 1 is Game Original, 2 is Animated Shading, 3 is Water Painting (Default is 2: Animated Shading). #!Options below don't affect palette 1. #define UseYuvLuma 0 //[0 or 1] Uses YUV luma calculations, or base colour luma calculations. Yuv luma can produce a better shaded look, but if it looks odd, disable it for that game. #define LumaConversion 1 //[0 or 1] Uses BT.601, or BT.709, RGB<-YUV->RGB conversions. Some games prefer 601, but most prefer 709. BT.709 is typically recommended. #define ColorRounding 1 //[0 or 1] Uses rounding methods on colors. This can emphasise shaded toon colors. Looks good in some games, and odd in others. Try it in-game and see. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / OilPaint settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PaintRadius 2 /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Advanced CRT settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CRTAmount 1.00 //[0.00 to 1.00] Amount of CRT effect you want #define CRTResolution 1.0 //[1.0 to 8.0] Input size coefficent (low values gives the "low-res retro look"). Default is 1.2 #define CRTgamma 2.2 //[0.0 to 4.0] Gamma of simulated CRT (default 2.2) #define CRTmonitorgamma 2.4 //[0.0 to 4.0] Gamma of display monitor (typically 2.2 is correct) #define CRTBrightness 1.2 //[1.0 to 3.0] Used to boost brightness a little. Default is 1.0 #define CRTScanlineIntensity 2.0 //[2.0 to 4.0] Scanlines intensity (use integer values preferably). Default is 2.0 #define CRTScanlineGaussian 1 //[0 or 1] Use the "new nongaussian scanlines bloom effect". Default is on #define CRTCurvature 1 //[[0 or 1] "Barrel effect" enabled (1) or off (0) #define CRTCurvatureRadius 2.0 //[0.0 to 2.0] Curvature Radius (only effective when Curvature is enabled). Default is 1.5 #define CRTCornerSize 0.0100 //[0.0000 to 0.0020] Higher values, more rounded corner. Default is 0.001 #define CRTDistance 2.00 //[0.00 to 4.00] Simulated distance from viewer to monitor. Default is 2.00 #define CRTAngleX 0.00 //[-0.20 to 0.20] Tilt angle in radians (X coordinates) #define CRTAngleY -0.15 //[-0.20 to 0.20] Tilt angle in radians (Y coordinates). (Value of -0.15 gives the 'arcade tilt' look) #define CRTOverScan 1.00 //[1.00 to 1.10] Overscan (e.g. 1.02 for 2% overscan). Default is 1.01 #define CRTOversample 0 //[0 or 1] Enable 3x oversampling of the beam profile (warning : performance hit) // -- Advanced settings -- #define R1 1 //[0.0 to 1.0] Amount of red color for even scanlines #define G1 0.7 //[0.0 to 1.0] Amount of green color for even scanlines #define B1 1 //[0.0 to 1.0] Amount of blue color for even scanlines #define R2 0.7 //[0.0 to 1.0] Amount of red color for odd scanlines #define G2 1.0 //[0.0 to 1.0] Amount of green color for odd scanlines #define B2 0.7 //[0.0 to 1.0] Amount of blue color for odd scanlines /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Pixel Art CRT / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // -- Emulated input resolution -- #define PixelArtCRT_resolution_mode 1 //[1 or 2] 1 = Ratio, 2 = Fixed resolution #define PixelArtCRT_resolution_ratio (1.0/4.0) // #define PixelArtCRT_fixed_resolution float2(320.0,160.0) // // -- Hardness -- #define PixelArtCRT_hardScan -24.0 // Hardness of scanline : -8.0 = soft, -16.0 = medium #define PixelArtCRT_hardPix -24.0 // Hardness of pixels in scanline : -2.0 = soft, -4.0 = hard // -- Display warp -- #define PixelArtCRT_warp float2(1.0/64.0,1.0/24.0) // Display warp : 0.0 = none , 1.0/8.0 = extreme // -- Type of shadow mask -- #define PixelArtCRT_ShadowMask 3 // Type of shadow mask : 1 = Very compressed TV style shadow mask, 2 = Aperture-grille, 3 = Stretched VGA style shadow mask, 4 = VGA style shadow mask // -- Amount of shadow mask -- #define PixelArtCRT_maskDark 0.5 // #define PixelArtCRT_maskLight 1.5 // // -- Falloff shape -- #define PixelArtCRT_shape 3.0 // Falloff shape : 1.0 = exp(x), 1.25 = in between, 2.0 = gaussian, 3.0 = more square // -- Amp signal -- #define PixelArtCRT_overdrive 1.25 // /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Lottes CRT settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define LCRT_IMAGE_RES float2(320.0/1.0, 240.0/1.0) // Original image resolution. #define LCRT_SCANLINE_HARDNESS -10.0 // Hardness of scanline. -8.0 = soft -16.0 = medium #define LCRT_PIXEL_HARDNESS -3.0 // Hardness of pixels in scanline. -2.0 = soft -4.0 = hard #define LCRT_HARD_BLOOM_SCAN -2.0 // Hardness of short vertical bloom. -1.5 = wide -4.0 = narrow #define LCRT_HARD_BLOOM_PIX -1.5 // Hardness of short horizontal bloom. -1.0 = wide -2.0 = narrow #define LCRT_BLOOM_AMOUNT 1.0/4.0 // Amount of small bloom effect. 1.0 = only bloom 0.0 = no bloom #define LCRT_H_WARP 1.0/64.0 // Horizontal display warp. 0.0 = none 1.0/8.0 = extreme #define LCRT_V_WARP 1.0/24.0 // Vertical display warp. 0.0 = none 1.0/8.0 = extreme #define LCRT_MASK_DARK 0.5 // Amount of shadow masking in dark areas. #define LCRT_MASK_LIGHT 1.5 // Amount of shadow masking in light areas. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Bloom settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BloomThreshold 20.25 //[0.00 to 50.00] Threshold for what is a bright light (that causes bloom) and what isn't. #define BloomPower 5.446 //[0.000 to 8.000] Strength of the bloom #define BloomWidth 0.2142 //[0.0000 to 1.0000] Width of the bloom /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / KaBloom settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define InBlack 0.0 //[0.00 to 1.00] Kabloom levels: black input #define InWhite 1.0 //[0.000 to 1.000] Kabloom levels: white input #define InGamma 1.0 //[0.0000 to 10.0000] Kabloom levels: input gamma #define OutBlack 0.0 //[0.000 to 1.000] Kabloom levels: black output #define OutWhite 1.0 //[0.000 to 1.000] Kabloom levels: white output #define BloomBrightness 0.0 //[-100.000 to 100.000] Kabloom spread control: input intensity #define BloomSaturation 1.0 //[0.000 to 10.000] Kabloom spread control: saturation #define BloomContrast 1.0 //[0.000 to 100.000] Kabloom spread control: contrast #define BloomSensitivity 1.0 //[0.000 to 100.000] Kabloom spread control: sensitivity #define BloomIntensity 0.0 //[-100.000 to 100.000] Kabloom spread control: output intensity #define RGBBalance float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) //[0.00 to 1.00] Kabloom color control: color balance #define RGBWeights float3(0.0, 0.0f, 0.0f) //[0.00 to 1.00] Kabloom misc: bloom strength weights #define BlendMode 4 //[0 to 8] 0: Off, 1: Addition, 2: Opacity, 3: Lighten, 4: Lighten/opacity hybrid, 5: Luma-based Screen/add hybrid, 6: Screen/add hybrid, 7: Screen/opacity hybrid, 8: Screen/lighten/opacity hybrid #define BlendAmount 1.0 //[0.000 to 10.000] Kabloom blending: blend amount #define BlendOpacity 1.0 //[0.000 to 10.000] Kabloom blending: blend opacity /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Blended Bloom settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BloomType BlendBloom //[BlendScreen, BlendOverlay, BlendBloom, BlendAddLight] The type of blending for the bloom (Default: BlendScreen). #define BloomPowerThreshold 0.200 //[0.100 to 1.000] Overall strength of the bloom. You may want to readjust for each blend type. #define BlendStrength 1.000 //[0.100 to 1.000] Strength of the bloom blend. Lower for less blending, higher for more. (Default: 1.000). #define BlendSpread 4.000 //[1.000 to 8.000] Width of the bloom 'glow' spread. 0.000 = off. Scales with BloomPower. (Default: 4.000). #define BloomReds 1.00 //[0.00 to 8.00] Red channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals red reduction. 1.00 is default. #define BloomGreens 1.00 //[0.00 to 8.00] Green channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals green reduction. 1.00 is default. #define BloomBlues 1.00 //[0.00 to 8.00] Blue channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals blue reduction. 1.00 is default. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / HDR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define HDRPower 1.30 //[0.00 to 8.00] Strangely lowering this makes the image brighter #define radius2 0.87 //[0.00 to 8.00] Raising this seems to make the effect stronger and also brighter /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / GEM HDR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SSAO 0 //[0 or 1] Applies SSAO like shadowing effect. #define SceneDepth 1.02 //[1.00 to 2.00] Adjust Darkness of Scenery (standard 1.04) Higher -> darker. #define FilterDepth 0.20 //[0.00 to 2.00] Amount of color filter Lower -> darker. #define ShadowDepth 0.46 //[0.00 to 1.00] Adjust Darkness of Shadows (standard 0.80) Lower -> darker. #define ShaderBright 0.05 //[0.00 to 1.00] Brightness of scene #define TBright 1.20 //[1.00 to 1.36] Adjust TextureBrightness (standard 1.26) Lower -> darker. #define CBright 0.90 //[0.00 to 2.00] Adjust Contrast (standard 0.70) Lower -> darker. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Elep HDR tone settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define KeyValHDR 0.50 //[0.001 to 5.00] #define HShoulderStrength 0.15 //[0.001 to 2.00] #define HLinearStrength 0.30 //[0.00 to 5.00] #define HLinearAngle 0.06 //[0.001 to 1.00] #define HToeStrength 0.20 //[0.00 to 2.00] #define HToeNumerator 0.001 //[0.001 to 0.50] #define HToeDenominator 0.20 //[0.00 to 2.00] #define HLinearWhite 1.00 //[0.00 to 50.00] #define HLocalMaxWhite 1.00 //[0.01 to 50.00] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cineon DPX settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Red 7.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] Some kind of filter? Higher numbers made that color less affected. #define Green 9.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] Some kind of filter? Higher numbers made that color less affected. #define Blue 13.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] Some kind of filter? Higher numbers made that color less affected. #define ColorGamma 2.5 //[0.1 to 2.5] Adjusts the colorfulness of the effect in a manner similar to Vibrance. 1.0 is neutral. Lower saturates. #define DPXSaturation 3.0 //[0.0 to 8.0] Adjust saturation of the effect. 1.0 is neutral. Below 1 seems to desaturate. #define RedC 0.45 //[0.20 to 0.60] Lower Numbers seem to be brighter. Higher seem to be darker. #define GreenC 0.43 //[0.20 to 0.60] Lower Numbers seem to be brighter. Higher seem to be darker. #define BlueC 0.40 //[0.20 to 0.60] Lower Numbers seem to be brighter. Higher seem to be darker. #define Blend 0.20 //[0.00 to 1.00] How strong the effect should be. Higher is stronger. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Cineon DPX 1.6 settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CDRed 7.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] Some kind of filter? Higher numbers made that color less affected. #define CDGreen 9.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] Some kind of filter? Higher numbers made that color less affected. #define CDBlue 13.0 //[1.0 to 15.0] Some kind of filter? Higher numbers made that color less affected. #define CDColorGamma 2.5 //[0.1 to 2.5] Adjusts the colorfulness of the effect in a manner similar to Vibrance. 1.0 is neutral. Lower saturates. #define CDDPXSaturation 3.0 //[0.0 to 8.0] Adjust saturation of the effect. 1.0 is neutral. Below 1 seems to desaturate. #define CDRedC 0.45 //[0.20 to 0.60] Lower Numbers seem to be brighter. Higher seem to be darker. #define CDGreenC 0.43 //[0.20 to 0.60] Lower Numbers seem to be brighter. Higher seem to be darker. #define CDBlueC 0.40 //[0.20 to 0.60] Lower Numbers seem to be brighter. Higher seem to be darker. #define CDBlend 0.20 //[0.00 to 1.00] How strong the effect should be. Higher is stronger. #define DPXContrast 0.1 #define DPXGamma 1.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / LumaSharpen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // -- Sharpening -- #define sharp_strength 0.65 //[0.10 to 3.00] Strength of the sharpening #define sharp_clamp 0.035 //[0.000 to 1.000] Limits maximum amount of sharpening a pixel recieves - Default is 0.035 // -- Advanced sharpening settings -- #define pattern 2 //[1|2|3|4|8|9] Choose a sample pattern. 1 = Fast, 2 = Normal, 3 = Wider, 4 = Pyramid shaped, 8 = Normal + more texture passes, 9 = Pyramid with more taps #define offset_bias 1.0 //[0.0 to 6.0] Offset bias adjusts the radius of the sampling pattern. Lower makes finer details less affected. //I designed the pattern for offset_bias 1.0, but feel free to experiment. // -- Debug sharpening settings -- #define show_sharpen 0 //[0 or 1] Visualize the strength of the sharpen (multiplied by 4 to see it better) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / BicubicSharpen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SharpeningType 2 //[1 or 2] The type of sharpening to use. Type 1 is a High Pass Gaussian. Type 2 is a higher quality(slightly slower) Bicubic Sampling type. #define SharpenStrength 0.75 //[0.10 to 1.00] Strength of the texture luma sharpening effect. This is the maximum strength that will be used. #define SharpenClamp 0.015 //[0.005 to 0.500] Reduces the clamping/limiting on the maximum amount of sharpening each pixel recieves. Raise this to reduce the clamping. #define SharpenBias 1.00 //[1.00 to 4.00] Sharpening edge bias. Lower values for clean subtle sharpen, and higher values for a deeper textured sharpen. #define DebugSharpen 0 //[0 or 1] Visualize the sharpening effect. Useful for fine-tuning. Best to disable other effects, to see edge detection clearly. /*----------------------------------------------------------. / Levels settings / '----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Levels_black_point 16 //[0 to 255] The black point is the new black - literally. Everything darker than this will become completely black. Default is 16.0 #define Levels_white_point 235 //[0 to 255] The new white point. Everything brighter than this becomes completely white. Default is 235.0 //Colors between the two points will stretched, which increases contrast, but details above and below the points are lost (this is called clipping). // -- Debug settings -- #define Levels_highlight_clipping 0 //[0 or 1] Highlight the pixels that clip. Red = Some detail is lost in the highlights, Yellow = All detail is lost in the highlights, // Blue = Some detail is lost in the shadows, Cyan = All detail is lost in the shadows. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / TECHNICOLOR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColStrengthR 0.2 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Red channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define ColStrengthG 0.2 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Green channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define ColStrengthB 0.2 //[0.05 to 1.0] Color Strength of Blue channel. Higher means darker and more intense colors. #define TechniBrightness 1.0 //[0.5 to 1.5] Brightness Adjustment, higher means brighter image. #define TechniStrength 1.0 //[0.0 to 1.0] Strength of Technicolor effect. 0.0 means original image. #define TechniSat 0.7 //[0.0 to 1.5] Additional saturation control since technicolor tends to oversaturate the image. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SWFX TECHNICOLOR settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TechniAmount 0.40 //[0.00 to 1.00] Higher numbers wash out and desaturate. #define TechniPower 4.00 //[0.00 to 8.00] Lower is stronger. Affects highlights like Bleach and Exposure. #define redNegativeAmount 0.98 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define greenNegativeAmount 0.88 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define blueNegativeAmount 0.90 //[0.00 to 1.00] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Monochrome settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Monochrome_conversion_values float3(0.18,0.41,0.41) //[-1.00 to 1.00] Percentage of RGB to include (should sum up to 1.00) #define Monochrome_color_saturation 0.00 //[0.00 to 2.00] Percentage of saturation to keep. Default is 0.00 , values above 1.00 boost saturation above normal. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Color Matrix settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // Red Green Blue #define ColorMatrix_Red float3(0.817, 0.183, 0.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new red value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_Green float3(0.333, 0.667, 0.000) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new green value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_Blue float3(0.000, 0.125, 0.875) //[0.00 to 1.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new blue value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define ColorMatrix_strength 1.0 //Adjust the strength /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Lift Gamma Gain settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RGB_Lift float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gamma float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Highlights settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define fHighlights 0.000 //[0.000 to 1.000] #define fShadows 0.000 //[0.000 to 1.000] #define HTintColor float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #define STintColor float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Tonemap settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define AltGamma 0 #define fGamma 0.000 #define TGamma 1.000 //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones. Same as Lift Gamma Gain but reversed. Higher is darker. #define Exposure 0.000 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Adjust exposure. #define Saturation 0.000 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Adjust saturation. #define Bleach 0.000 //[-1.000 to 1.000] Brightens the highlights and fades the colors. Similar to Exposure. #define Defog 0.000 //[-1.000 to 1.000] How much of the color tint to remove. #define TBlueShift 0.000 //Blueshift #define EnableSat 0 #define Sat 0.920 #define FogColor float3(0.00, 0.00, 0.00) //[-2.55 to 2.55, -2.55 to 2.55, -2.55 to 2.55] What color to remove. RGB. #define ExpAdjust 1.1 #define AddContrast 0.25 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Elep tonemap settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TKeyVal 1.00 //[0.00 to 5.00] Tonemap: Exposure #define TEGamma 1.00 //[ #define TLinear 0.00 //[0.00 to #define TMaxWhite 1.00 //[0.01 to 25.00] #define TLumSaturation 1.00 //[0.00 to 4.00] #define TBias 1.00 //[0.00 to 4.00] #define TShoulderStrength 0.22 //[0.001 to 2.00] #define TLinearStrength 0.30 //[0.00 to 5.00] #define TLinearAngle 0.10 //[0.001 to 1.00] #define TToeStrength 0.20 //[0.00 to 2.00] #define TToeNumerator 0.01 //[0.001 to 0.50] #define TToeDenominator 0.30 //[0.00 to 2.00] #define TLinearWhite 1.00 //[0.00 to 20.00] #define TonemapOperator 8 //[0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12] 0-off, 1-Logarithmic, 2-Drago Logarithmic, 3-Exponential, 4-Reinhard Basic, 5-Reinhard Modified, 6-Filmic-ALU, 7-Filmic-Uncharted2D, 8-RomBinDaHouse, 9-Linear, 10-Simple Reinhard, 11-Luma Based Reinhard, 12-White Preserving Luma Based Reinhard /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Gamma settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Gamma 2.20 //[1.5 to 4.0] Gamma correction. Decrease for lower gamma(darker). Increase for higher gamma(brighter). (Default: 2.2) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Tonemap2 settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ModFilmicPoint1 3.0 //[0.0 to 100.0] Modified filmic: Curve point one #define ModFilmicPoint2 1.3 //[0.0 to 100.0] Modified filmic: Curve point two #define ModFilmicPoint3 1.3 //[0.0 to 100.0] Modified filmic: Curve point three #define ModFilmicPoint4 1.0 //[0.0 to 100.0] Modified filmic: Curve point four /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Filmic settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Strenght 0.725 //[0.05 to 1.5] Strength of the color curve altering #define BaseGamma 1.6 //[0.7 to 2.0] Gamma Curve #define Fade 0.2 //[0.0 to 0.6] Decreases contrast to imitate faded image #define Contrast 1.0 //[0.5 to 2.0] Contrast. #define FSaturation -0.15 #define FBleach 0.005 //[-0.5 to 1.0] More bleach means more contrasted and less colorful image #define FRedCurve 6.0 #define FGreenCurve 6.0 #define FBlueCurve 6.0 #define BaseCurve 1.5 #define EffectGammaR 1.0 #define EffectGammaG 1.0 #define EffectGammaB 1.0 #define EffectGamma 0.75 #define Linearization 1.3 //[0.5 to 2.0] Linearizes the color curve /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Second Filmic settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ShoulderStrength 1.00 //[0.00 - 2.00] #define LinearStrength 1.00 //[0.00 - 5.00] #define LinearAngle 0.50 //[0.00 - 1.00] #define ToeStrength 1.00 //[0.00 - 2.00] #define ToeNumerator 0.25 //[0.00 - 0.50] #define ToeDenominator 1.00 //[0.00 - 2.00] #define LinearWhite 11.2 //[0.00 - 20.00] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / ColorMood settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define fRatio 1.0 #define moodR 1.0 #define moodG 1.1 #define moodB 1.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / ColorWashout settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColorSaturation 1.25 #define ColorWashoutThreshold 0.85 #define ColorWashoutPow 1.0 #define ColorWashoutAmount 1.0 #define ColorDullnessAmount 1.0 #define ExpAdjustment 1.1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Desaturation settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define desat_red 0 //Range 0-inf. #define desat_green 0 //Range 0-inf. #define desat_blue 0 //Range 0-inf. #define desat_magenta 0 //Range 0-inf. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / FinalAdjuster settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DSaturation float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) //RGB #define DBrightness 1.0 #define DContrast 0.2 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Vibrance settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Vibrance 0.15 //[-1.00 to 1.00] Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation. Hardly affects already vibrant colors. #define Test 0 #define Tes2 0 // -- Advanced vibrance settings -- #define Vibrance_RGB_balance float3(1.00, 1.00, 1.00) //[-10.00 to 10.00,-10.00 to 10.00,-10.00 to 10.00] // A per channel multiplier to the Vibrance strength so you can give more boost to certain colors over others. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Curves settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define Curves_mode 0 //[0|1|2] Choose what to apply contrast to. 0 = Luma, 1 = Chroma, 2 = both Luma and Chroma. Default is 0 (Luma) #define Curves_contrast 0.15 //[-1.00 to 1.00] The amount of contrast you want // -- Advanced curves settings -- #define Curves_formula 2 //[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|14|15] The contrast s-curve you want to use. //1 = Sine, 2 = Abs split, 3 = Smoothstep, 4 = Exp formula, 5 = Simplified Catmull-Rom (0,0,1,1), 6 = Perlins Smootherstep //7 = Abs add, 8 = Techicolor Cinestyle, 9 = Parabola, 10 = Half-circles, 11 = Cubic Catmull, 12 = Cubic Bezier Spline, 14 = Exp formula alternative, 15 = Mod Cubic Bezier Spline //Note that Technicolor Cinestyle is practically identical to Sine, but runs slower. In fact I think the difference might only be due to rounding errors. //I prefer 2 myself, but 3 is a nice alternative with a little more effect (but harsher on the highlight and shadows) and it's the fastest formula. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Sepia settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColorTone float3(1.00, 0.85, 0.40) //[0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55, 0.00 to 2.55] What color to tint the image #define GreyPower 0.10 //[0.00 to 1.00] How much desaturate the image before tinting it #define SepiaPower 0.20 //[0.00 to 1.00] How much to tint the image /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SKYRIM TONEMAPPING / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define POSTPROCESS 6 //[1 to 6] Mode of postprocessing you want. Mode 1 uses V1 values, Mode 2 uses V2 values etc // #define EAdaptationMinV1 0.05 #define EAdaptationMaxV1 0.125 #define EContrastV1 1.0 #define EColorSaturationV1 1.0 #define EToneMappingCurveV1 6.0 // #define EAdaptationMinV2 0.36 #define EAdaptationMaxV2 0.29 #define EToneMappingCurveV2 8.0 #define EIntensityContrastV2 2.5 #define EColorSaturationV2 3.2 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV2 180.0 // #define EAdaptationMinV3 0.001 #define EAdaptationMaxV3 0.025 #define EToneMappingCurveV3 30.0 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV3 111160.0 // #define EAdaptationMinV4 0.2 #define EAdaptationMaxV4 0.125 #define EBrightnessCurveV4 0.7 #define EBrightnessMultiplierV4 0.45 #define EBrightnessToneMappingCurveV4 0.3 // #define EAdaptationMinV5 0.08 #define EAdaptationMaxV5 0.20 #define EToneMappingCurveV5 8 #define EIntensityContrastV5 3.475 #define EColorSaturationV5 4 #define HCompensateSatV5 2 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV5 180.0 // #define EBrightnessV6Day 2.5 #define EIntensityContrastV6Day 1.5 #define EColorSaturationV6Day 2.0 #define HCompensateSatV6Day 3.0 #define EAdaptationMinV6Day 0.64 #define EAdaptationMaxV6Day 0.24 #define EToneMappingCurveV6Day 8 #define EToneMappingOversaturationV6Day 2500.0 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / CROSSPROCESS settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CContrast 0.95 //[0.5 to 2.00] The names of these values should explain their functions #define CSaturation 1.12 //[0.5 to 2.00] #define CBrightness -0.052 //[-0.3 to 0.30] #define CAmount 1.0 //[0.05 to 1.5] #define Cross_Red float2(1.030, 0.040) //[0.00 to 100.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new red value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define Cross_Green float2(1.090, 0.010) //[0.00 to 100.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new green value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness #define Cross_Blue float2(0.780, 0.130) //[0.00 to 100.00] How much of Red, Green and Blue the new blue value should contain - Should sum to 1.000 if you don't wish to change the brightness /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / REINHARD TONEMAP settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ReinhardWhitepoint 4.0 //[1.0 to 10.0] Point above which everything is pure white #define ReinhardScale 0.5 //[0.0 to 2.0] Amount of applied tonemapping /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / REINHARD LINEAR TONEMAP settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ReinhardLinearWhitepoint 4.4 #define ReinhardLinearPoint 0.06 #define ReinhardLinearSlope 2.25 //[1.0 to 5.0] how steep the color curve is at linear point. You need color curve understanding to know what this means, just experiment. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / COLORMOD settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ColormodChroma 0.78 // Saturation #define ColormodGammaR 1.05 // Gamma for Red color channel #define ColormodGammaG 1.05 // Gamma for Green color channel #define ColormodGammaB 1.05 // Gamma for Blue color channel #define ColormodContrastR 0.50 // Contrast for Red color channel #define ColormodContrastG 0.50 // ... #define ColormodContrastB 0.50 // ... #define ColormodBrightnessR -0.08 // Brightness for Red color channel #define ColormodBrightnessG -0.08 // ... #define ColormodBrightnessB -0.08 // ... /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SPHERICAL TONEMAP settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define sphericalAmount 1.0 //[0.0 to 2.0] Amount of spherical tonemapping applied...sort of /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Color Blind Correction settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define COLORBLIND_MODE 2 //[1, 2 or 3] 1 = Protanope, 2 = Deuteranope, 3 = Tritanope /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Post Sharpen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // -- Sharpening -- #define psharp_strength 0.65 //[0.10 to 3.00] Strength of the sharpening #define psharp_clamp 0.035 //[0.000 to 1.000] Limits maximum amount of sharpening a pixel recieves - Default is 0.035 // -- Advanced sharpening settings -- #define ppattern 2 //[1|2|3|4|8|9] Choose a sample pattern. 1 = Fast, 2 = Normal, 3 = Wider, 4 = Pyramid shaped, 8 = Normal + more texture passes, 9 = Pyramid with more taps #define poffset_bias 1.0 //[0.0 to 6.0] Offset bias adjusts the radius of the sampling pattern. Lower makes finer details less affected. //I designed the pattern for offset_bias 1.0, but feel free to experiment. // -- Debug sharpening settings -- #define show_sharpen 0 //[0 or 1] Visualize the strength of the sharpen (multiplied by 4 to see it better) /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Vignette settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define VignetteType 1 //[1|2|3] 1 = Original, 2 = New, 3 = TV style #define VignetteRatio 1.78 //[0.15 to 6.00] Sets a width to height ratio. 1.00 (1/1) is perfectly round, while 1.60 (16/10) is 60 % wider than it's high. 1.78 (16/9). #define VignetteRadius 1.00 //[-1.00 to 3.00] lower values = stronger radial effect from center #define VignetteAmount -1.00 //[-2.00 to 1.00] Strength of black. -2.00 = Max Black, 1.00 = Max White. #define VignetteSlope 8 //[2 to 16] How far away from the center the change should start to really grow strong (odd numbers cause a larger fps drop than even numbers) #define VignetteCenter float2(0.500, 0.500) //[0.000 to 1.000, 0.000 to 1.000] Center of effect for VignetteType 1. 2 and 3 do not obey this setting. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / HD6Vignette settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define LEFTANDRIGHT 0 //[0 or 1] self-explaining, I think. Keep only one of these 3 booleans enabled!! #define TOPANDBOTTOM 1 //[0 or 1] self-explaining, I think. Keep only one of these 3 booleans enabled!! #define CORNERDARKEN 0 //[0 or 1] self-explaining, I think. Keep only one of these 3 booleans enabled!! #define SquareTop 0.58 #define SquareBottom 0.58 #define CircularPower 0.0 //[0.0 to 100000.0] amount of circularism (new word invented hoho), 0 means linear vignette, 100000.0 means rougly total circle #define ColorDistortion 0.0 //[0.0 to 5.0] distorts the colors a bit #define ContrastSharpen 11.6 #define VignetteBorder 6.5 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / BorisVignette settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define EVignetteAmount 2.9 //[0.0 to 5.0] self-explaining variable name #define EVignetteCurve 1.5 //[0.0 to 5.0] self-explaining variable name #define EVignetteRadius 0.8 //[0.0 to 5.0] self-explaining variable name #define VIGNCOLORING 1 //[0 or 1] enables color override, RGB controls below. #define VIGNREDAMOUNT 2.5 #define VIGNGREENAMOUNT 2.5 #define VIGNBLUEAMOUNT 2.5 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Blur settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define blur_range 0.05 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define use_h_blur 0 //[0 or 1] /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Dither settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define dither_method 1 //[1 or 6] 1 = Ordered dithering (very good and very fast), 2 = Random dithering (different but slightly slower dithering), 3 = New Dithering, 4 = A Dither Dithering, 5 = New Ordered dithering, 6 = Checkerboard Ordered dithering //Note that the patterns used by Dither, makes an image harder to compress. //This can make your screenshots and video recordings take up more space. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SWFXBorder settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define border_width float2(0,1) //[0 to 2048, 0 to 2048] (X,Y)-width of the border. Measured in pixels. If this is set to 0,0 then the border_ratio will be used instead #define border_ratio float(2.35 / 1.0) //[0.1000 to 10.0000] Set the desired ratio for the visible area. You MUST use floating point - Integers do not work right. //Examples that work: (1680.0 / 1050.0), (16.0 / 10.0), (1.6) Examples that does NOT work right: (1680 / 1050), (16 / 10) #define border_color float3(180, 0, 0) //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the border should be. In integer RGB colors, meaning 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is full white. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Moviebars settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define HeightTop 0.12 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define HeightDown 0.88 //[0.00 to 1.00] #define MBColor 0.0 //[0.00 to 1.00] 0.0 black 1.0 white /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Splitscreen settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define splitscreen_mode 1 //[1|2|3|4|5|6] //1 = Vertical 50/50 split, 2 = Vertical 25/50/25 split, 3 = Vertical 50/50 angled split, //4 = Horizontal 50/50 split, 5 = Horizontal 25/50/25 split, 6 = Curvy vertical 50/50 split /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Custom settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define custom_strength 1.0 //[0.00 to 1.00] Adjust the strength of the effect /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / SinCity settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define sincity_strength 0.6 //[0.00 to 1.00] Adjust the strength of the effect /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Color Hue Fx settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define USE_COLORSAT 0 //[0 or 1] This will use original color saturation as an added limiter to the strength of the effect #define ccFilterLuma float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721) //Luma #define hueColor 121 //[0.0 to 360.0] Hue (rotation around the color wheel) of the color which you want to keep #define hueRange 0.1 //[0.0 to 1.0] Range of different hue's around the hueMid that will also kept. Using a max range of 1.0 will allow the reverse of the effect where it will only filter a specific hue to B&W #define satLimit 2.9 //[0.0 to 4.0] Saturation control, better keep it higher than 0 for strong colors in contrast to the gray stuff around #define fxcolorMix 0.8 //[0.0 to 1.0] Interpolation between the original and the effect, 0 means full original image, 1 means full grey-color image. /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Leifx Reduct settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DITHERAMOUNT 0.0 // was 0.33f #define DITHERBIAS 8 // -XXX to XXX, biases the value of the dither up. - was 8 #define Dcolor 8 // 32 - 32bit color, 16 - 16bit color and etc... /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Leifx Filter settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define FILTCAP 0.0313725490196078 // filtered pixel should not exceed this #define FILTCAPG 0.0156862745098039 /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Leifx Gamma settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define GAMMA_LEVEL 1.3 // 1.3 = Voodoo2. 1.7 = Voodoo Graphics /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Key settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // This is the section where you can define your own key mapping // See the following URL to find out what keycode a key has: // http://www.cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes // key_toggle_sweetfx = 145 ; 145 = Scroll Lock // key_screenshot = 44 ; 44 = Print Screen // key_reload_sweetfx = 19 ; 19 = Pause/Break /*-----------------------------------------------------------. / Misc settings / '-----------------------------------------------------------*/ // You can load and chain other DirectX wrappers (ENB, Helix, Windower...) // If the external wrapper is already named d3d9.dll, rename it into // something else like "d3d9_enb.dll" (note that even if this is commented it actually works) // external_d3d9_wrapper = none // external_dxgi_wrapper = none



17 Feb 23:34 CET

Re-upload the mega pack please, please? please! please.

21 Jan 16:15 CET

not work

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