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Call of Chtulhu ReShade

Created by Eddie_Van_Halen
Added Oct. 26, 2015
Updated 26 Oct 06:45 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
BETA VERSION! Tested only in the first level! Call of Chtulhu 4 presets. Base Effects MOTION BLUR BLOOM GAUSSIAN ANAMFLARE TONEMAP CURVES AMBIENT LIGHT (with lens dirt) SMAA FXAA with variatons: 1.Less color near black and white 2.Less color near black and white + Depth of Field. 3.Normal color (with some vibrance) 4.Normal color (with some vibrance) + Depth of Field INSTALL Download "Call of Chtulhu ReShade" Here: http://www.moddb.com/games/call-of-cthulhu-dark-corners-of-the-earth/addons/call-of-chtulhu-reshade 1.Extract the content where you want (for example, to Desktop). 2.Open the folder that you extracted, and double clik to "Mediator.exe". 3.In the bottom left, click "Add" and select "CoCMAINWin32.exe" in the main folder and "Confirm" (standard installation location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Call Of Cthulhu DCoTE\Engine") 4.On the right, open the dropdown menu arrow (to the left of the "Delete" button) and choose one the following preset: a)CoC LessColor b)CoC LessColor + Dof c)CoC NormColor d)CoC NormColor + DoF 5.Play the game IMPORTANT! Turn off in-game Antialiasing!
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