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Deep Colors Redux (Read Description!!)

Created by Professorbag
Added Oct. 27, 2015
Updated 29 Oct 06:27 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
READ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BELOW , IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFO. ONLY HIT THE "DOWNLOAD PRESET" BUTTON SO I CAN KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DOWNLOADED THIS! (Don't do it if you don't want to though!) The Reshade version of my SweetFX preset named "Deep Colors, Nice Lighting, Dark Nights" This version adds more effects, like a different form of sharpening and light ambient lighting for example, to make the game look more realistic and next gen! Even though it's not in the name,the lighitng looks nicer and more real and night time dark interiors are still darker than the vanilla game!
Leave a comment if you are enjoying this preset please! I'd really appreciate some feedback! <3
-------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: 1. IGNORE THE "DOWNLOAD PRESET" BUTTON BELOW, JUST DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING FROM HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqhsntgvwhmtquw/ProfessorBAGs%20Reshade%20For%20Zestiria.zip?dl=0 2. Extract ALL of the contents of "ProfessorBAGs Reshade For Zesteria.zip" to your games directory. (same place were "Tales Of Zestiria.exe" is located) And that's all! Just hit Scroll Lock to toggle the effect on and off!
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READ ME INSTALLATION: 1. IGNORE THE "DOWNLOAD PRESET" BUTTON ON THE SWEETFX WEBSITE, JUST DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING FROM HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqhsntgvwhmtquw/ProfessorBAGs%20Reshade%20For%20Zestiria.zip?dl=0 2. Extract ALL of the contents of "ProfessorBAGs Reshade For Zestiria.zip" to your games directory. (same place were "Tales Of Zestiria.exe" is located) And that's all! Just hit Scroll Lock to toggle the effect on and off!


28 Oct 19:48 CET

syntax error in GemFX

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