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Ride2 me

Preset for Ride 2
Created by SonicArrow
Added Oct. 11, 2016
Updated 25 Oct 00:19 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
DOWNLOAD PACKAGE: https://www.mediafire.com/?bi397n9las8k4v3 COME INSTALLARE/HOW TO INSTALL: copiate ed incollate i file dxgi.dll, ReShade.fx e la cartella ReShade all'interno della directory principale del gioco (dove c'è ride2X64.exe) DIVERTITEVI copy and paste all file, inside ride2me folder (dxgi.dll, ReShade.fx and ReShade folder) in the main directory enjoy
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scaricate il pacchetto da MediaFire download the package


31 Oct 15:31 CET

Perfect! Now i don't need to make one, i can use this one instead ;-) Thanks!

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