13 minutes ago
Clear Kombat
Preset description:
A balanced preset that makes the game brighter, and colorful, without sacrificing its original atmosphere.
* ____ ____ _ _
* | _ \ ___/ ___|| |__ __ _ __| | ___
* | |_) / _ \___ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \
* | _ ' __/___) | | | | (_| | (_| | __/
* |_| \_\___|____/|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\___|
* =============================================================================
* ReShade Framework Globals
* =============================================================================
// Global Settings
#include "ReShade\PersonalFiles\KeyCodes.h"
#include "ReShade\Common.cfg"
#if RFX_Screenshot_Format != 2
#pragma reshade screenshot_format bmp
#pragma reshade screenshot_format png
#if RFX_ShowFPS == 1
#pragma reshade showfps
#if RFX_ShowClock == 1
#pragma reshade showclock
#if RFX_ShowStatistics == 1
#pragma reshade showstatistics
#if RFX_ShowToggleMessage == 1
#pragma reshade showtogglemessage
// Global Variables
#define RFX_ScreenSize float2(BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT)
uniform float RFX_Timer < string source = "timer"; >;
uniform float RFX_FrameTime < source = "frametime"; >;
uniform float RFX_TechniqueTimeLeft < string source = "timeleft"; >;
// Global Textures and Samplers
texture RFX_depthBufferTex : DEPTH;
texture RFX_depthTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = R32F; };
texture RFX_backbufferTex : COLOR;
#if RFX_InitialStorage
texture RFX_originalTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; };
texture RFX_originalTex : COLOR;
sampler RFX_depthColor { Texture = RFX_depthBufferTex; };
sampler RFX_depthTexColor { Texture = RFX_depthTex; };
sampler RFX_backbufferColor { Texture = RFX_backbufferTex; };
sampler RFX_originalColor { Texture = RFX_originalTex; };
#if RFX_PseudoDepth
texture RFX_dMaskTex < source = "ReShade/BasicFX/Textures/dMask.png"; > { Width = 1024; Height = 1024; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler RFX_dMaskColor { Texture = RFX_dMaskTex; };
// Fullscreen Triangle Vertex Shader
void RFX_VS_PostProcess(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float4 pos : SV_Position, out float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD)
texcoord.x = (id == 2) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
texcoord.y = (id == 1) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
pos = float4(texcoord * float2(2.0, -2.0) + float2(-1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
#if RFX_InitialStorage
float4 RFX_PS_StoreColor(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
return tex2D(RFX_backbufferColor, texcoord);
#if RFX_DepthBufferCalc
float RFX_PS_StoreDepth(in float4 position : SV_Position, in float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target
#if RFX_PseudoDepth
return tex2D(RFX_dMaskColor, texcoord).x;
float depth = tex2D(RFX_depthColor, texcoord).x;
// Linearize depth
#if RFX_LogDepth
depth = saturate(1.0f - depth);
depth = (exp(pow(depth, 150 * pow(depth, 55) + 32.75f / pow(depth, 5) - 1850f * (pow((1 - depth), 2)))) - 1) / (exp(depth) - 1); // Made by LuciferHawk ;-)
return depth;;
depth = 1.f/(1000.f-999.f*depth);
return depth;
#if RFX_InitialStorage || RFX_DepthBufferCalc
technique RFX_Setup_Tech < enabled = true; >
#if RFX_InitialStorage
pass StoreColor
VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
PixelShader = RFX_PS_StoreColor;
RenderTarget = RFX_originalTex;
#if RFX_DepthBufferCalc
pass StoreDepth
VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
PixelShader = RFX_PS_StoreDepth;
RenderTarget = RFX_depthTex;
// Global Defines
#if defined(__RESHADE__) && __RESHADE__ >= 1700
#define NAMESPACE_ENTER(name) namespace name {
#define NAMESPACE_ENTER(name)
#define STR(name) #name
#define EFFECT(l,n) STR(ReShade/l/##n.h)
* =============================================================================
* Effects
* =============================================================================
#include "ReShade\Pipeline.cfg"
* =============================================================================
* Toggle Message
* =============================================================================
#if RFX_ShowToggleMessage
float4 RFX_PS_ToggleMessage(in float4 position : SV_Position, in float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target
return tex2D(RFX_backbufferColor, texcoord);
technique Framework < enabled = RFX_Start_Enabled; toggle = RFX_ToggleKey; >
VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
PixelShader = RFX_PS_ToggleMessage;
Version of Reshade?
good job!