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Comic Souls II (Version 2)

Created by GhostX910020
Added Feb. 21, 2018
Updated 21 Feb 16:32 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
After another couple of hours of adjustments I made a much improved version of my original preset! (Comic Soul II) This one has much better contrast & anti-aliasing! (adjusted Curves & FXAA) I'll say it again -
this one was made in a 1366x768 resolution display so it should look better than the screenshots on a 1080p display which is more common.
For best results: Turn down the in-game texture quality to medium/low & enable DoF! (Depth of Field)
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Effects=Cartoon.fx,Technicolor2.fx,LumaSharpen.fx,Colourfulness.fx,HQ4X.fx,SMAA.fx,FXAA.fx,Curves.fx Techniques=Cartoon,Colourfulness,HQ4X,LumaSharpen,SMAA,Technicolor2,Curves,FXAA TechniqueSorting=Cartoon,Colourfulness,HQ4X,LumaSharpen,SMAA,Technicolor2,Curves,FXAA [SMAA.fx] EdgeDetectionType=1 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.100000 MaxSearchSteps=98 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 CornerRounding=0 DebugOutput=0 [Cartoon.fx] Power=0.875000 EdgeSlope=0.525000 [LumaSharpen.fx] pattern=1 sharp_strength=0.850000 sharp_clamp=0.035000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0 [Technicolor2.fx] Saturation=1.000000 ColorStrength=0.098039,0.098039,0.098039 Brightness=1.150000 Strength=1.000000 [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=0.400000 lim_luma=0.700000 [HQ4X.fx] s=0.650000 k=-1.000000 mx=0.100000 max_w=0.750000 min_w=0.100000 lum_add=1.000000 [Curves.fx] Mode=0 Formula=1 Contrast=0.250000 [FXAA.fx] Subpix=0.250000 EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000


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