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*[V 2.4] Cinematic Excellence w/DoF

Created by AssassinsDecree
Added March 12, 2017
Updated 29 Jan 03:43 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
HALT! Please check out my newest preset first. I dare say its my best. This one is still fantastic,though, especially if you're looking for a more vanilla-friendly enhancement, but yea: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/8877/
This balanced but bold mod improves the washed out look of the vanilla game. Cinematic Excellence adds a host of cinematic effects to Ghost Recon Wildlands including enhanced lights, the illusion of more detailed textures and optional advanced depth-of-field, film grain, sharpness, bloom and cinematic black bars. Colors are richer than the standard game without being over-saturated.
-- 2.4 (Released July 26) Tweaked depth of field focal point again to be more vehicle friendly. Reduced bloom. Again, please turn off in-game bloom for best results. -- 2.3 (Released July 25) Adds optional bloom (on by default. Please turn off in-game bloom for best results). Also tweaks depth-of-field. Tweaked film grain. -- 2.2 Released 5/7/2017. Makes additional adjustments to horizon lighting to further optimize the remaining odd coloring in certain weathers/time-of-day. Improves ambient light. Depth of field tweaks (triggers a little less often. Softer overall. -- -- 2.1 Released 5/2/2017. Lots of new pics added. Click on the pics to see version number in their captions. Most recent pics first. 2.1 adds optional color palette enhancer that highlights blues and makes things looks crispy AF. Ambient light (which adds lens dirt and added lights) disabled by default in 2.1, but re-enable it with the 4 key on numberpad -- -- Thanks so much for your patience and support, everyone. It's been a long time coming, but version 2.0 is ready for download below. Fixes all issues I know of with the previous versions, including overly dark nights, washed out and strange-looking distance terrain in certain lighting conditions, insanely blue-saturated distance, over-done film grain (and replaces it with something more nuanced and cinematic) and reduces over-done sharpness. Moreover, update 2.0 adds my advanced depth of field, adds new ambient light for added cinematic effect, sticks close to the vanilla color palette and adds additional clarity to distant objects and terrain beyond the standard game.
I really hope you like it. I would love to hear your feedback in the comment section below, especially from returning users, on my YouTube page and/or my twitter (@MercsAssassin) From Merc, with love (5/1/2017) --
CONTROLS Optional features and the controls to toggle them: Advanced Depth of Field - "/" on the numberpad Film grain - "3" on numberpad Sharpness - "5" on numberpad Black bars - "0" numberpad Bloom (blue light) - 6 on numberpad Technicolor 2 - "2" on numberpad (turn this off to get original colors but still keep the enhanced image) [/b]
To update (basically repeat step 6) you can just open your existing .ini file that you created in step 4 and replace all the text in the .ini file with the text in the .txt download at end of the page. VIDEO PREVIEWS Please consider giving a like and subscribing to help me grow my new YouTube channel. I'm TheMercsAssassin on there. Thanks so much, every new like and sub helps me reach a lot more people! https://youtu.be/OpMBm9Dgq-8 https://youtu.be/rfRoFnZq_lc https://youtu.be/uo96Nuhh36U
!!!IMPORTANT For me the game crashes if I use any form of ReShade or SweetFx in fullscreen mode. So you must enable borderless window mode to use ReShade if yours also crashes when trying to load the game with Reshade enabled. IMPORTANT END!!!
!!Extremely Important!! Some are saying they can't get ReShade 3.0.7 (the latest version to work with GRW. The 3.0.6 version if available on my Nexus version of this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/ghostreconwildlands/mods/2? For me the game crashes if I use any form of ReShade or SweetFx in fullscreen mode. So you must enable borderless window mode to use ReShade if yours also crashes when trying to load the game with Reshade enabled.
Turn off in-game bloom and set godrays to on or off. Recommend setting in-game sharpening in Video options menu to 0 percent. Raise brightness to 56 and lower contrast to 43. Gamma 56. You can play around with these values to tweak the visibility of night and such to your preference.
!!Extremely Important End!!
INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Download the Reshade 3.0.7 from here https://reshade.me/ 2. Scroll to bottom of page and download whatever the latest version advertised is. Run the .exe that you just downloaded. Probably best to copy it to your desktop or someone first outside your downloads folder. Follow the steps it tells you selecting yes everything it asks. 2. Select your "GRW.exe" which is in the main folder of the game. For steam it's usually: "...Steam\SteamApps\common\Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands" 3. Select the DirectX 8/9 version after you select the "GRW.exe." If you go through the whole install and the game CTD's on launch or you can't get the effects to change your game at all, then try uninstalling per the below instructions and then reinstall but this time select OpenGL instead of DirectX 8/9. 4. Run your game As your game loads up, you should see a grey box popup in the top of the screen saying it's loading all the ReShade effects. Once it's done, hit "shift+F2" and follow the promps. The most important thing is to hit the plus symbol near the top-right of the Reshade GUI and type any name you want. I suggest naming it "MercsCinematicExcellence.ini" (without the quotes)(and don't have the final result say "MercsCinematicExcellence.ini" back to back like that, just one .ini in the whole file name. Follow the other prompts until the boxes turn from red to black or grey or whatever indicates you're done with the very short tutorial. Now close your game. 5. Go back to your game's main folder, where the "GRW.exe" is and look for that file you just created with whatever name you gave. It should be a .ini file. 6. Open the .ini file and replace all the text with the text from my preset on this page. Save the file. Now Run your game. 7. Once the game and ReShade effects are loaded again, reopen the Reshade GUI with Shift+f2 if the big box at the top of the ReShade GUI does not say whatever the name of your .ini file referenced above is (and if you don't see your game looking way different right about now) then click the drop down arrow at the top-right and select the .ini file name referenced above. Finally hit the "reload" button at the bottom of the ReShade GUI to make double sure the effects are loaded. The new effects should start loading with my custom settings. 8. STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you set the ReShade toggle key to the "END" key or some other key that you won't have to press two button at once to make it come up or press scroll lock, since I don't think many computers have that key anymore, especially not laptops. To do this, simply open the ReShade GUI go to the settings tab of you'll see something like "Toggle Effects" or "Toggle ReShade" and click in the box adjacent from that and press whatever key you want to use to toggle the ReShade on and off, which is instant. Be sure to click in a blank space outside the box before closing the menu or you cursor will still have that box selected and the next key you press will change the toggle key to that. It's easier than this probably makes it sound PROFIT!
Modifying Depth of Field (DoF) To increase or decrease the amount of DoF blur, open the in-game ReShade menu or the .ini you created during installation and under DOF, change "DOF_NEARBLURCURVE" value to a number between 6 and 40. The lower the number, the more the blur effect applied. To change the focal point and push it away from character and vehicle, etc., change the second Auto focus value under DOF from 450 to somewhere between 400 and 450. Adjust this value downwards in increments of 10 till you're happy. Change DOF_blurradius from 50 to 40 or 30 to reduce blur when in vehicles especially. Of course all blur will drastically be lessened, but hey, everything is a trade-off in life, right? If you used the .ini and not the in-game ReShade menu, don't forget to save your doc. To see the changes in-game, simply open the in-game ReShade menu and click "reload" at the bottom-left of the menu. Again, only necessary if you used the .ini file to modify it. Changes made with the in-game ReShade menu take effect immediately.
CONTACT -- Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for lets plays and demos of my upcoming and released ReShades... who knows, one day maybe you'll an ENB up there: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn5KAZuLeVmeQLXSMJNBMcA -- -- Please follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/MercsAssassin --
MY MODS FOR OTHER GAMES Assassins Creed Origins -- Cinematic Enhancer: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/8521/ Skyrim Special Edition -- Live Action Trailer Graphics, The Dragonborn Comes, a ReShade for Vivid Weathers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9990/? -- Dovahkiin Rising ReShade for Dolomite Weathers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9942? -- Dragon Breaker ReShade, a Bright and Bold Look for Vivid Weathers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9991/? -- Skyrim SE Ashen ReShade: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9060/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D9060%26preview%3D&pUp=1 -- Mass Effect Andromeda ReShades Cinematic Realism - http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/2/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fmasseffectandromeda%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D2%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Neon Bomb - http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/4? -- Fallout 4 ReShade Cinematic Realism - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23442/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D23442%26preview%3D&pUp=1 -- Dirt Rally ReShade (also coming for Dirt 4 6/9/2017) -- https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7323/ -- Dirt 4 ReShade -- Cinematic Racing Project, Dirt 4 Edition - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7333/ Ghost Recon Wildlands Mods Cinematic Excellence 2.0 ReShade (best neutral enhancer with lots of options) - http://www.nexusmods.com/ghostreconwildlands/mods/1/? E3 2015 Graphics - more realistic, cold ReShade, inspired by E3 2015 trailers for the game with a more gray look - http://www.nexusmods.com/ghostreconwildlands/mods/2? Borderlands-style Oil Painting ReShade - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7175/ Uncharted-looking ReShade - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/7115/ Sun Soaked Graphics Overhaul - insane lighting amplifier. Sunsets, sunrise and clear days look nuts! - https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/6992/
ps: I'm TheMercsAssassin on most other websites, including youtube, twitter and the nexus. Hence, the Merc thing. ps+: Do not use any part of my ReShade in your own work. Make your own through hard work and lots of time, like I did, please. Thanks.
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KeyAdaptiveSharpen=101,0,0,0 KeyBloomAndLensFlares=102,0,0,0 KeyLumaSharpen=0,0,0,0 KeyDaltonize=0,0,0,0 KeyAmbientLight=100,0,0,0 KeyGP65CJ042DOF=0,0,0,0 KeyDeband=0,0,0,0 KeyClarity=0,0,0,0 KeyCartoon=0,0,0,0 KeyBorder=97,0,0,0 KeyTonemap=0,0,0,0 KeyColourfulness=0,0,0,0 KeyCA=0,0,0,0 KeyMode3=0,0,0,0 KeyColorMatrix=0,0,0,0 KeySMAA=0,0,0,0 KeyTechnicolor2=98,0,0,0 KeyAdvancedCRT=0,0,0,0 KeyCurves=0,0,0,0 KeyKNearestNeighbors=0,0,0,0 KeyNonLocalMeans=0,0,0,0 KeyRingDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyMagicDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyMatsoDOF=111,0,0,0 KeyFilmGrain=99,0,0,0 KeyFilmGrain2=0,0,0,0 KeyMXAO=0,0,0,0 KeyMartyMcFlyDOF=0,0,0,0 KeyDPX=0,0,0,0 KeyEmphasize=0,0,0,0 KeyFilmicPass=0,0,0,0 KeyMode1=0,0,0,0 KeyMode2=0,0,0,0 KeyMotionBlur=0,0,0,0 KeyFXAA=0,0,0,0 KeyGaussianBlur=0,0,0,0 KeyHDR=0,0,0,0 KeyVibrance=0,0,0,0 KeyHighPassSharp=0,0,0,0 KeyLevels=0,0,0,0 KeyHQ4X=0,0,0,0 KeyLiftGammaGain=0,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_AutoFocus=0,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_Far=0,0,0,0 KeyLightDoF_Near=0,0,0,0 KeyTechnicolor=0,0,0,0 KeyLUT=0,0,0,0 KeyMonochrome=0,0,0,0 KeyReflectiveBumpmapping=0,0,0,0 KeyTint=0,0,0,0 KeyTiltShift=0,0,0,0 KeySurfaceBlur=0,0,0,0 KeyVignette=106,0,0,0 Techniques=AdaptiveSharpen,Border,Clarity,HDR,Tonemap,Deband,Technicolor2,MatsoDOF,FilmGrain,BloomAndLensFlares,Vignette [Border.fx] border_width=0.000000,35.000000 border_ratio=2.350000 border_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 [Clarity.fx] ClarityRadius=3.000000 ClarityBlendMode=2.000000 ClarityOffset=2.000000 ClarityDarkIntensity=0.000000 ClarityBlendIfDark=50.000000 ClarityBlendIfLight=205.000000 ClarityViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 ClarityStrength=1.000000 ClarityLightIntensity=0.000000 ClarityViewMask=0.000000 [HQ4X.fx] s=1.500000 k=-1.100000 mx=1.000000 max_w=0.750000 min_w=0.030000 lum_add=0.330000 [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curve_height=0.400000 L_compr_low=0.169000 D_compr_low=0.010000 curveslope=0.400000 L_overshoot=0.003000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_compr_high=0.300000 D_compr_high=0.500000 max_scale_lim=0.100000 pm_p=0.750000 [AmbientLight.fx] alDebug=0.000000 alAdaptBaseMult=1.000000 alInt=7.000000 AL_DirtTex=0.000000 alThreshold=15.000001 AL_Adaptation=-1.000000 alAdapt=1.520000 AL_Dirt=-1.000000 alAdaptBaseBlackLvL=3.000000 alLensThresh=0.380000 AL_Vibrance=0.000000 AL_Adaptive=2.000000 alDirtInt=1.160000 alDirtOVInt=1.000000 alLensInt=2.000000 AL_Lens=-1.000000 [CRT.fx] Resolution=1.150000 Gamma=2.400000 Brightness=0.900000 Curvature=0.000000 MonitorGamma=2.200000 ScanlineIntensity=2.000000 ScanlineGaussian=1.000000 CornerSize=0.010000 CurvatureRadius=1.500000 ViewerDistance=2.000000 Angle=0.000000,0.000000 Overscan=1.010000 Oversample=1.000000 [Bloom.fx] bGodrayEnable=0.000000 iBloomMixmode=1.000000 fBloomSaturation=1.200000 bAnamFlareEnable=0.000000 fBloomThreshold=0.782000 fBloomAmount=0.600000 fLensdirtSaturation=2.000000 fBloomTint=0.588235,0.588235,0.811765 fLensdirtIntensity=0.400000 bLensdirtEnable=0.000000 fFlareLuminance=0.095000 iLensdirtMixmode=2.000000 fLensdirtTint=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 bLenzEnable=0.000000 fAnamFlareThreshold=0.900000 fAnamFlareWideness=2.400000 fAnamFlareAmount=14.500000 fAnamFlareCurve=1.200000 fAnamFlareColor=0.012000,0.313000,0.588000 fLenzIntensity=1.000000 fLenzThreshold=0.800000 bChapFlareEnable=0.000000 fChapFlareTreshold=0.900000 iChapFlareCount=15.000000 fChapFlareDispersal=0.250000 fChapFlareSize=0.450000 fFlareIntensity=2.070000 fChapFlareCA=0.000000,0.010000,0.020000 fChapFlareIntensity=100.000000 fGodrayDecay=0.990000 fGodrayExposure=1.000000 fGodrayWeight=1.250000 fGodrayDensity=1.000000 fGodrayThreshold=0.900000 iGodraySamples=128.000000 fFlareBlur=200.000000 fFlareTint=0.137000,0.216000,1.000000 [ColorMatrix.fx] ColorMatrix_Red=0.817000,0.183000,0.000000 ColorMatrix_Green=0.333000,0.667000,0.000000 ColorMatrix_Blue=0.000000,0.125000,0.875000 Strength=1.000000 [Cartoon.fx] Power=1.500000 EdgeSlope=1.500000 [Sepia.fx] Tint=0.550000,0.430000,0.420000 Strength=0.580000 [CA.fx] Shift=2.500000,-0.500000 Strength=0.500000 [Colourfulness.fx] colourfulness=0.400000 lim_luma=0.700000 [Curves.fx] Mode=0.000000 Formula=4.000000 Contrast=0.650000 [SurfaceBlur.fx] BlurRadius=1.000000 BlurOffset=1.000000 BlurEdge=0.500000 BlurStrength=1.000000 [Daltonize.fx] Type=0.000000 [Deband.fx] Threshold=0.004000 Range=16.000000 Iterations=2.000000 Grain=0.006000 [Denoise.fx] NoiseLevel=0.150000 LerpCoefficeint=0.800000 WeightThreshold=0.030000 CounterThreshold=0.050000 GaussianSigma=50.000000 [DOF.fx] fADOF_ShapeCurvatureAmount=0.410000 DOF_AUTOFOCUS=-1.000000 DOF_FARBLURCURVE=1000.000000 DOF_MOUSEDRIVEN_AF=0.000000 fGPDOFBiasCurve=2.000000 DOF_FOCUSPOINT=0.500000,0.450000 fGPDOFChromaAmount=0.400000 DOF_INFINITEFOCUS=0.001000 DOF_MANUALFOCUSDEPTH=1.000000 DOF_FOCUSSAMPLES=10.000000 bADOF_ShapeApertureEnable=0.000000 DOF_NEARBLURCURVE=10.495001 DOF_FOCUSRADIUS=0.000000 fRingDOFFringe=0.500000 bGPDOFPolygonalBokeh=-1.000000 fGPDOFBrightnessMultiplier=2.000000 DOF_BLURRADIUS=50.020004 iRingDOFSamples=30.000000 fADOF_BokehCurve=4.040000 iRingDOFRings=8.000000 fRingDOFThreshold=0.700000 fGPDOFBrightnessThreshold=0.500000 fRingDOFGain=30.000002 bADOF_ShapeCurvatureEnable=-1.000000 fRingDOFBias=2.000000 iMagicDOFBlurQuality=8.000000 bADOF_ImageChromaEnable=0.000000 fMagicDOFColorCurve=10.000000 iGPDOFQuality=6.000000 iGPDOFPolygonCount=5.000000 fADOF_ShapeRotation=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeChromaAmount=0.125000 fGPDOFBias=10.000000 bMatsoDOFChromaEnable=-1.000000 fADOF_SmootheningAmount=0.500000 fMatsoDOFChromaPow=0.200000 fMatsoDOFBokehCurve=9.470000 iMatsoDOFBokehQuality=10.000000 iADOF_ShapeQuality=255.000000 fMatsoDOFBokehAngle=360.000031 bADOF_RotAnimationEnable=-1.000000 fADOF_RotAnimationSpeed=5.000000 fADOF_ShapeApertureAmount=1.000000 fADOF_ShapeWeightAmount=1.000000 bADOF_ShapeAnamorphEnable=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeAnamorphRatio=0.050000 bADOF_ShapeDistortEnable=0.000000 fADOF_ShapeDistortAmount=0.200000 fADOF_ShapeWeightCurve=6.500000 bADOF_ShapeChromaEnable=0.000000 bADOF_ShapeDiffusionEnable=-1.000000 fADOF_ShapeDiffusionAmount=1.000000 bADOF_ShapeWeightEnable=0.000000 iADOF_ShapeChromaMode=3.000000 iADOF_ImageChromaHues=5.000000 fADOF_ImageChromaCurve=1.625000 fADOF_ImageChromaAmount=3.078000 [DPX.fx] RGB_Curve=8.000000,8.000000,8.000000 Strength=0.200000 RGB_C=0.360000,0.360000,0.340000 Contrast=0.100000 Saturation=3.000000 Colorfulness=2.500000 [Vignette.fx] Type=0.000000 Ratio=2.229000 Center=0.500000,0.500000 Radius=2.000000 Amount=-2.000000 Slope=5.000000 [Emphasize.fx] ManualFocusDepth=0.026000 FocusRangeDepth=0.010000 FocusEdgeDepth=0.050000 BlendColor=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 EffectFactor=0.900000 BlendFactor=0.000000 [FilmGrain.fx] Intensity=0.300000 Variance=0.500000 Mean=0.500000 SignalToNoiseRatio=2.000000 [FilmGrain2.fx] grainamount=0.050000 coloramount=0.600000 lumamount=1.000000 grainsize=1.600000 [FilmicPass.fx] Strength=0.850000 Linearization=0.500000 Fade=0.400000 Contrast=1.000000 Bleach=0.000000 Saturation=-0.150000 RedCurve=1.000000 GreenCurve=1.000000 BlueCurve=1.000000 BaseCurve=1.500000 BaseGamma=1.000000 EffectGamma=0.650000 EffectGammaR=1.000000 EffectGammaG=1.000000 EffectGammaB=1.000000 LumCoeff=0.212656,0.715158,0.072186 [FineSharp.fx] sstr=2.000000 cstr=0.900000 xstr=0.190000 pstr=1.272000 xrep=0.250000 lstr=1.490000 [SMAA.fx] EdgeDetectionType=1.000000 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.100000 MaxSearchSteps=98.000000 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16.000000 CornerRounding=0.000000 DebugOutput=0.000000 [FXAA.fx] Subpix=0.250000 EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000 [GaussianBlur.fx] GaussianBlurRadius=2.000000 GaussianBlurOffset=1.000000 GaussianBlurStrength=0.170000 [HDR.fx] HDRPower=1.300000 radius1=0.873000 radius2=0.870000 [HighPassSharpen.fx] HighPassSharpRadius=1.000000 HighPassSharpOffset=1.000000 HighPassViewBlendIfMask=0.000000 HighPassBlendIfDark=0.000000 HighPassBlendMode=1.000000 HighPassBlendIfLight=255.000000 HighPassSharpStrength=0.400000 HighPassDarkIntensity=1.000000 HighPassLightIntensity=1.000000 HighPassViewSharpMask=0.000000 [Levels.fx] BlackPoint=16.000000 WhitePoint=235.000000 HighlightClipping=0.000000 [LUT.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=0.000000 fLUT_AmountLuma=0.000000 [LiftGammaGain.fx] RGB_Lift=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gamma=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 RGB_Gain=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 [TiltShift.fx] Line=0.000000 BlurMultiplier=10.000000 Axis=0.000000 Offset=0.000000 BlurCurve=1.000000 [LightDoF.fx] fLightDoF_Width=5.000000 fLightDoF_Amount=10.000000 f2LightDoF_CA=0.000000,1.000000 f2Bokeh_AutoFocusCenter=0.500000,0.500000 bLightDoF_UseCA=0.000000 bLightDoF_AutoFocus=1.000000 fLightDoF_AutoFocusSpeed=0.100000 bLightDoF_UseMouseFocus=0.000000 fLightDoF_ManualFocus=0.000000 [MXAO.fx] fMXAOAmbientOcclusionAmount=2.000000 bMXAOSmoothNormalsEnable=0.000000 fMXAOIndirectLightingAmount=4.000000 fMXAOFadeoutStart=0.200000 iMXAOBayerDitherLevel=3.000000 fMXAONormalBias=0.200000 fMXAOIndirectLightingSaturation=1.000000 iMXAOSampleCount=24.000000 fMXAOSampleRadius=2.500000 fMXAOBlurSharpness=2.000000 fMXAOBlurSteps=2.000000 bMXAODebugViewEnable=0.000000 fMXAOFadeoutEnd=0.400000 [LumaSharpen.fx] sharp_strength=0.650000 pattern=1.000000 sharp_clamp=0.035000 offset_bias=1.000000 show_sharpen=0.000000 [Monochrome.fx] Coefficients=0.210000,0.720000,0.070000 ColorSaturation=0.000000 [MotionBlur.fx] mbRecall=0.400000 mbSoftness=1.000000 [RBM.fx] fRBM_BlurWidthPixels=100.000000 iRBM_SampleCount=32.000000 fRBM_LowerThreshold=0.100000 fRBM_ReliefHeight=0.300000 fRBM_ColorMask_Orange=1.000000 fRBM_FresnelReflectance=0.300000 fRBM_FresnelMult=0.500000 fRBM_UpperThreshold=0.200000 fRBM_ColorMask_Red=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Yellow=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Green=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Cyan=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Blue=1.000000 fRBM_ColorMask_Magenta=1.000000 [Technicolor.fx] Power=11.000000 RGBNegativeAmount=0.392157,1.000000,10.058824 Strength=0.500000 [Technicolor2.fx] ColorStrength=0.827451,0.674510,1.176471 Saturation=0.510000 Brightness=1.220000 Strength=0.700000 [Tonemap.fx] Gamma=0.800000 Bleach=0.000000 Defog=0.000000 Exposure=0.100000 Saturation=-0.000000 FogColor=0.000000,0.000000,1.000000 [Vibrance.fx] Vibrance=0.150000 VibranceRGBBalance=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000


2 May 02:20 CEST

Mod Page

15 Apr 04:41 CEST

@yohozheng12 Please check the preset page in about 5 min.

Never forgot about your request, just had no idea how to begin fulfilling it. Well, i'm posting my WIP so far. Hope you like it, friend.


15 Apr 04:40 CEST

@yohozheng12 Please check the preset page in about 5 min.

Never forgot about your request, just had no idea how to begin fulfilling it. Well, i'm posting my WIP so far. Hope you like it, friend.


18 Mar 12:32 CET

You could also just do the long-form install method. It's the best way, really, but I put the link up for convenience.

18 Mar 12:31 CET

Hey all,

It looks like some files weren't copying over from the reshade-shaders folder. I think i've fixed the issue now so go to the link and redownload if your game doesn't look like mine. Or compare the files in you reshade-shaders/shaders folder to the new link to make sure you have all the files.

Let me know if you're having any issues and feedback on the preset, please.

13 Mar 13:58 CET

@yohozheng Yea that very helpful, I see exactly what you mean. Is like the browns are all kinda gray instead or there's a l gray filter on everything. I like that aesthetic a lot.

I'll see what I can do. I don't exactly know if it's possible to do this with reshade. I think so.

12 Mar 11:58 CET

This may help you.

12 Mar 11:36 CET

@AssassinsDecree I think without the DOF,the hardest thing is the different tone between the trailer and vanilla game. In the trailer the tone more gray.I am not really sure,so hope you can figure it out~~~

12 Mar 09:16 CET


Hey thank you so much!

I think I might be able to make something similar but let's make sure we're on the same page first. Is this the trailer?


The hardest thing will be the slight use of a depth of field that's used throughout the trailer. I'm still trying to figure out how DoF works in general so I can add to this preset.

Besides the DoF, the trailer footage seems kinds close to the vanilla game. Can you point out some of the biggest differences you would want to see in a E3 2015 reshade?

Thanks again!

12 Mar 06:05 CET

@AssassinsDecree Amazing!
Can you try to make a preset like E3 2015 trailer?

12 Mar 03:41 CET

More pics coming soon. Feedback and requests greatly appreciated and welcome. I'll have a video out soon (probably tomorrow night but maybe sooner that gives a quick demo).


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