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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Entry created by UnIqU3-BoY
Added May 11, 2015

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
$Best In The World $ Clear & Realistic Nov. 23, 2017 benny1427 6 1124 ReShade
- 1000 Realistic Final - Max Color June 18, 2015 vesemas 12 1780 ReShade
♛1.000 Times Better v1.3 May 20, 2015 rainynguyen 16 29599 SweetFX 2.0
2013 Graphics Upgrade May 20, 2015 Drogean 10 2429 SweetFX 2.0
4k CineMod Aug. 17, 2015 cluclap 5 1259 ReShade
- A Better Tomorrow June 6, 2015 Jude 8 1504 SweetFX 2.0
- Absolute Preset - June 11, 2015 Mindtaker 6 1134 Other
Adolf's Cinematic Sept. 25, 2016 Adolf 3 857 MasterEffect
Adolf`s Cinematic v1.1 Sept. 30, 2016 Adolf 0 903 MasterEffect
Adolf`s ULTIMATE Cinematic Nov. 29, 2016 Adolf 2 827 MasterEffect
ASHEN FX (RC1) June 15, 2015 Bruzur 4 1557 ReShade
Avatar Crysis Feeling 1.0 June 6, 2015 kadzait24 13 1313 SweetFX 2.0
- A vibrant world May 31, 2015 miladm 10 1924 SweetFX 2.0
Beat The Wild Hunt -Real E3 Experience- May 25, 2015 KnocheyHQ 10 1315 MasterEffect
beautiful Colors May 29, 2015 b_lars 1 1205 SweetFX 2.0
♥BEAUTIFY♥ THE WITCHER 3 Oct. 26, 2016 Noirze 8 1608 ReShade
♥BEAUTIFY♥ THE WITCHER 3 WILD HUNT GOTY Oct. 4, 2016 Noirze 8 1395 SweetFX 2.0
Best In The World Feb. 13, 2017 benny 6 1002 SweetFX 2.0
BlackIsBack May 21, 2015 Jude 12 1675 SweetFX 2.0
BlackIsBlack V1.1 (Video) June 11, 2015 razielnomack 19 1305 SweetFX 2.0
Blood & Wine Piss Remover for STLM 2.2.1 July 5, 2016 Saberus 12 1069 ReShade
Blood & Wine Visibility 1.1 June 6, 2016 Doomaster 33 2720 SweetFX 2.0
Brilliant ME for STLM Oct. 24, 2016 ecmdr 10 839 MasterEffect
Brilliant v1.0 ~ v1.1 Sept. 11, 2016 ecmdr 15 802 SweetFX 2.0
Brilliant v1.3 Sept. 11, 2016 ecmdr 12 835 SweetFX 2.0
Brilliant v1.5 FINAL for STLM Oct. 5, 2016 ecmdr 9 880 SweetFX 2.0
Brill ME 1.4 Oct. 15, 2016 ecmdr 11 909 MasterEffect
Brill v1.0 ~ v1.1 Sept. 12, 2016 ecmdr 12 884 SweetFX 2.0
Brill v1.2 Sept. 25, 2016 ecmdr 10 828 SweetFX 2.0
Brill v1.5 FINAL Sept. 29, 2016 ecmdr 11 817 SweetFX 2.0
Canuckodiles Total Revamp May 20, 2015 Canuckodile 6 3267 SweetFX 2.0
CGI SFX - v1.0 May 27, 2015 MrEnigma 10 917 GemFX
CineFX July 3, 2015 Sk-Fan 10 4269 ReShade
CineFX v1 May 20, 2015 Sk-Fan 21 11337 SweetFX 2.0
Cinematic Fantasy for STLM remastered Oct. 18, 2016 WhiteWolf 14 940 ReShade
Cinematic Photo Realism v1.0 July 7, 2015 SFXObsessed 14 1773 SweetFX 2.0
Cinestyle Realistic pack Oct. 29, 2017 Galux 6 926 ReShade
CINE-WITCHER3 Dec. 23, 2015 Nenad 1 941 MasterEffect
Colour fix V2 June 9, 2015 Faroacces0 11 1260 SweetFX 2.0
-CryingLightning's TestFX- May 25, 2015 CryingLightning 12 1053 SweetFX 2.0
CT Graphics May 21, 2015 doktor1 6 1226 SweetFX 2.0
CTG v2a May 24, 2015 doktor1 5 1148 SweetFX 2.0
Dark Cold Tonemap Fix May 25, 2015 Kav13 3 954 SweetFX 2.0
Dark no more. For Blood and Wine June 2, 2016 angry_buyer 3 835 SweetFX 2.0
DCW3 v.2 June 2, 2016 Atramors 4 735 ReShade
Dead Squallit config 1.0 May 20, 2015 DeadSquallit 7 1119 SweetFX 2.0
Delete May 28, 2015 FRiNGE07 0 870 Other
Dry / Dull / Dusky May 22, 2015 IvoHerka 10 1060 SweetFX 2.0
DUST Aug. 19, 2015 Dubay75 19 880 SweetFX 2.0
DUST II Sept. 13, 2015 Dubay75 7 1145 ReShade
E3/VGX Preset Pack v2.0 Final ☑ May 20, 2015 Razed 7 5926 MasterEffect
ENHANCED PACK - "Best Graphics" FINAL !! May 27, 2015 Desmios 14 1649 MasterEffect
- Exclusive Witcher FX +Video - May 22, 2015 pashanemashi 12 2908 SweetFX 2.0
͡Fantasy v3.3 May 24, 2015 CooliSushi 20 8808 SweetFX 2.0
- { Final Dark Witcher } - 1.03 June 7, 2015 ambledhoh 4 1145 SweetFX 2.0
HDR+ by WOS Jan. 2, 2018 Wordingofspay 12 892 ReShade
Holy Cinematic March 21, 2018 noeffort 20 1098 ReShade
Holy Hunt June 12, 2015 HolyMeatball 12 1070 SweetFX 2.0
Indy Jones 1.0 June 6, 2015 kadzait24 5 1018 SweetFX 2.0
Ion´s Preset June 1, 2015 Ion 7 1095 SweetFX 2.0
Jetseb config Feb. 1, 2020 jetseb 7 739 ReShade
JetSet Another Ver May 23, 2015 JetSetRadio 7 1128 SweetFX 2.0
JetSet ver.1 Reality May 21, 2015 JetSetRadio 6 1239 SweetFX 2.0
- JGP "Just Good Perset"- June 15, 2015 SimpleMan 13 1054 SweetFX 2.0
Jurassic Witcher 1.0 FULL June 17, 2015 kadzait24 10 1112 SweetFX 2.0
K-putt'e Config 1.4 May 19, 2015 K-putt 8 16517 SweetFX 2.0
• Lifelike Witcher • FINAL • May 27, 2015 r3dfield 15 2005 SweetFX 2.0
lighting tweak 1.10 May 19, 2015 euge 9 1630 ReShade
_☢ Lights,Colors & Atmosphere ☼ 3D-V2 ☢_ May 29, 2015 Losti 10 1334 SweetFX 2.0
Mataiori's-Witcher Shader Oct. 27, 2015 Mataiori 3 848 Other
MaxFX July 8, 2015 DirtyDan 4 965 SweetFX 2.0
-MixTape 1.03 | Blood & Wine Updated | Aug. 22, 2015 iCihan 9 1054 SweetFX 2.0
MojeUstawienia The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Feb. 12, 2018 steefl 6 770 SweetFX 2.0
more contrast,sharper , added hdr dpx May 20, 2015 ninjafada 6 1259 SweetFX 2.0
More realistic and less jagged July 21, 2015 valky 5 1004 SweetFX 2.0
- More Realistic Colors - Subtle changes June 7, 2015 Quar 4 1439 SweetFX 2.0
More Realistic Natural Color May 19, 2015 pessivesto 15 2595 SweetFX 1.5
More saturated and without soap May 21, 2015 -HaVoK- 6 1202 SweetFX 2.0
MTechpark Preset V4- TRUECOLOR May 23, 2015 multitechnopark 1 1061 SweetFX 2.0
My Vision May 22, 2015 UnIqU3-BoY 12 1023 SweetFX 2.0
NAJLEPSIEJSZY WIEDŹMAK May 21, 2015 Balrogos 28 1419 SweetFX 1.4
Natural Balance G.O.T.O.S June 3, 2015 DatVeganGamer 8 1128 MasterEffect
Natural Colors for Blood and Wine Feb. 21, 2017 Larxian 3 872 SweetFX 2.0
-~Natural Colors of Gaia 1.1 +1.2~ May 22, 2015 Shakantor 6 1186 SweetFX 2.0
-~Natural Colors of Gaia wFX FINAL1.3~ May 23, 2015 Shakantor 27 1985 SweetFX 2.0
Natural Enhanced_The Witcher 3 Nov. 22, 2016 pg 9 880 ReShade
Natural Eye V1 May 28, 2015 jeet_pancholi 2 817 SweetFX 2.0
Natural Graphics Mod May 26, 2015 ears1991 14 1185 SweetFX 2.0
=Natural Lighting= Oct. 17, 2015 l00 11 1325 SweetFX 2.0
Nemeyeth Reshade Oct. 13, 2017 nemeyeth 0 801 ReShade
Neutral Color Palette May 19, 2015 GrampsFromTheSwamps 7 2590 SweetFX 2.0
OmniFX v1.1 May 19, 2015 Omnipotus 10 1258 SweetFX 2.0
Photoreal & dark nights V2 - mod guide May 20, 2016 ahmlet 3 942 ReShade
Picture Perfect Color Sept. 12, 2016 Overthinks_Questions 0 787 ReShade
PISS Remover for Blood & Wine June 4, 2016 Saberus 6 1107 ReShade
- .Project Destiny E3 2014 ME v1.04. - June 7, 2015 mezziaz 6 1288 MasterEffect
- .Project Destiny E3 2014 v1.04. - May 21, 2015 mezziaz 19 2780 SweetFX 2.0
- .Project Destiny E3 2014 YALM. - July 15, 2015 mezziaz 12 1134 SweetFX 2.0
- _Project ∫ ẞlueSky v2.0 ☁☼☁ June 11, 2015 DatVeganGamer 14 1135 MasterEffect
PureVision 20150621 May 31, 2015 TheVoodoo 15 2504 SweetFX 2.0
Real Bleakness June 13, 2015 Polistiren 10 993 Other
Real FX - v1.0 May 31, 2015 krychamk 5 966 SweetFX 2.0
- _Real Graphical Suite: E3 2014 Look May 28, 2015 Amioran 14 2563 Other
- _Real Graphical Suite: Medieval Look May 28, 2015 Amioran 12 1719 Other
- _Real Graphical Suite: VGX Look June 1, 2015 Amioran 12 1473 Other
Realistic colors Oct. 11, 2018 mnky7 5 660 ReShade
Realistic contrast and color saturation May 26, 2015 32cm 5 1090 SweetFX 2.0
Realistic Witcher 3 v1.3 (Updated) May 19, 2015 NeoLithicJay 22 1537 ReShade
_Realistic Witcher color / more light V2 June 28, 2015 Losti 3 1212 SweetFX 2.0
- Reality Based Vision June 5, 2015 Vandrerer 8 3425 SweetFX 2.0
Reality Enhanced reShade 3.0 Nov. 23, 2016 pg 18 1172 ReShade
RealShade Jan. 31, 2020 DunArd 4 710 ReShade
ReShade Framework Preset Tester #1 June 10, 2015 Lucifer.Hawk 1 1031 Other
ReShade Framework Preset Tester #2 June 12, 2015 Lucifer.Hawk 2 962 Other
ReShade Framework Preset Tester #3 July 21, 2015 Lucifer.Hawk 0 1073 ReShade
Reshade&WLM8 by Ryszawy/Rudy102/GUZIO102 Jan. 28, 2020 deton24 6 717 ReShade
Rise of The White Wolf Cinematic May 28, 2015 FRiNGE07 11 966 Other
Rivai's - Cinematic v1.2 May 20, 2015 Rivai 21 3914 MasterEffect
Rivai's - Natural Darkness May 23, 2015 Rivai 10 1529 SweetFX 1.4
Rodania's preset June 6, 2016 Rodania 13 1031 SweetFX 2.0
shadow June 8, 2022 oja 7 260 ReShade
- Shadow and Light Overhaul - May 26, 2015 CrazyDunmer 9 1561 SweetFX 2.0
Shagwan's Cinematic Fantasy June 5, 2015 Shagwan 5 1037 MasterEffect
Simple Config for Medium PC -Brownies May 25, 2015 crubino 2 998 SweetFX 1.5
Simple Config for Medium PC -Desaturated May 25, 2015 crubino 2 992 SweetFX 1.5
Simple Config for Medium PC -Neutral May 25, 2015 crubino 2 934 SweetFX 1.5
Soft and Powerful Colors March 7, 2016 Tohuwabohu 14 1478 SweetFX 2.0
SoftDepth v1.0 June 3, 2015 doktor1 9 1052 SweetFX 2.0
SomberFX June 4, 2015 FRiNGE07 8 910 Other
SubtleDifference for STLM 3.2 Feb. 23, 2018 steefl 6 750 ReShade
SunBroFX 2.1 June 4, 2015 SunBroDave 15 1369 SweetFX 2.0
Swords of Destiny May 22, 2015 Geralt007 0 973 MasterEffect
The knoxtcher 3 May 29, 2015 Dr.knox 23 974 MasterEffect
The last Wish V.1.3 Feb. 28, 2016 Nariko3x 7 923 ReShade
    The Original E3FX - v3.1 May 22, 2015 Drogean 8 16527 SweetFX 2.0
The Witcher 3 DarkFX May 23, 2015 mortiscausa 0 1084 MasterEffect
The Witcher 3 estilo Realistico July 13, 2017 6884 5 939 SweetFX 2.0
The Witcher 3 Filmic Slight Desaturation May 20, 2015 BarelyLegalAlien 9 1125 SweetFX 2.0
The Witcher 3 HereticFX Reshade for STLM May 26, 2015 ProphetHereticae 3 1112 ReShade
The Witcher 3 Rebirth Reshade MOD Aug. 31, 2017 yytssln 13 967 ReShade
The Witcher 3 ReShade preset by SliK April 21, 2018 SliK 4 878 ReShade
_♛ The Witcher 3 - SS V1.1 May 19, 2015 ss-89 8 46822 SweetFX 2.0
The Witcher 3 -TrueColors TrueHDR Feb. 25, 2020 Narcoshade 11 711 ReShade
The Witcher 3 True Tone Oct. 18, 2017 paulmichaelg 2 811 ReShade
The Witcher 3 True Tone v2.0 Oct. 20, 2017 paulmichaelg 2 788 ReShade
The Witcher 3 True Tone v3.0 FINAL Oct. 22, 2017 paulmichaelg 3 914 ReShade
True Realistic V1 April 19, 2016 Enigma 10 835 ReShade
True Realistic V2 April 21, 2016 Enigma 12 1176 ReShade
_× Ultra Realistic ×_ July 25, 2017 Owais.ubm 0 1016 ReShade
Violins77 Witcher III Lighting Overhaul July 20, 2015 Violins77 18 1092 SweetFX 2.0
_-_ vm Realistic 2 Jan. 2, 2016 vesemas 15 1284 ReShade
_-_ vm Realistic 2016 June 12, 2016 vesemas 4 1119 ReShade
_-_ vm Realistic Redone Sept Final May 22, 2015 vesemas 21 2951 ReShade
W3Light&ShadowFX May 29, 2015 zxak03 7 1007 Other
Wild Hunt Dark v1.1 Update May 20, 2015 DonKiller 11 1288 SweetFX 2.0
Wild Hunt Nv's Preset Sept. 14, 2015 Nirouv 6 969 SweetFX 2.0
witcher Nov. 26, 2016 rmqo3 0 666 SweetFX 1.4
Witcher May 22, 2015 DramaSetter 0 833 SweetFX 2.0
Witcher3 FX: Blood and Wine (v0.1) ✔ June 5, 2016 Santer 8 1042 SweetFX 2.0
Witcher3 FX (v0.2) ✔ May 30, 2015 Santer 8 1143 SweetFX 2.0
- _Witcher 3 MAD MAX look May 31, 2015 Amioran 8 1196 Other
Witcher 3 MyWay 1.0 May 21, 2015 luky554 7 1329 SweetFX 2.0
WITCHER3 VANILLA LUTs Oct. 10, 2016 Nenad 0 942 ReShade
WitchFx 2016 March 20, 2016 ejay 16 875 Other
WitchFx 2018 Jan. 4, 2018 ejay 12 628 Other
WitchFx 2019 No.1 Dec. 8, 2018 ejay 12 551 Other
WitchFx 2020 Filmic Jan. 24, 2020 ejayy 9 755 Other
WitchFx 2021 Monster Hunter reshade Nov. 7, 2021 ejayy 22 426 Other
xI The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Ix June 8, 2015 Jak 4 1190 SweetFX 2.0
͡° ͜ʖ ͡° Unreal Witcher 3 Preset June 10, 2015 piterrrxd 14 2327 Other
-ღஐ | Cinematic Supergrain | ஐღ- June 2, 2015 supergrain 5 1146 SweetFX 2.0


18 Jun 21:33 CEST

WLM+Pathos Reshade looks interesting.

23 Nov 16:08 CET


22 Nov 16:50 CET

Self Promo, check this


i'll be happy about feedback !

24 Jun 23:09 CEST

summer steam sale 2016!! available now end July 4, 2016

24 Jun 16:22 CEST

summer steam sale 2016!! available now

13 Jun 12:09 CEST

Please compare in fullscreen (double click on screenshot) to see differences better.

6 Jun 18:51 CEST

Please check my High-Visibility preset called Blood & Wine Visibility :)

12 Oct 13:39 CEST

To make ReShade work perfectly again with The Witcher 3 version 1.10 just rename the copied "ReShade64.dll" to "d3d9.dll" and leave the new "d3d11.dll" and "dxgi.dll" files alone. Enjoy! ;)

10 Oct 13:15 CEST

Can someone re-upload W3Shade by Yua please? I don't know why but it is no longer available to download.

10 Oct 11:20 CEST

It looks like Reshade no longer works with the latest 1.10 patch.

29 Sep 14:45 CEST

If anyone is interested in very "subtle" color correction of the game; take a look at my preset: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/4252/

22 Sep 01:49 CEST


almost every preset is just a little bit to dark. i understand that it has to be almost black in a cave where no light is.

but why has the shadows to be pitchblack? explain: you stay in the town, its bright like a fukn diamond, sun is at the highest point, you should burn of this heat. but your shadow is dark like fuk, i mean you cant see whats 5 feet of you cause your shadow is pitchblack

21 Sep 21:05 CEST

Updated Project Reality v1.6 to Ultimate Engine in a new post.

31 Aug 13:16 CEST

Anyway I have tried so many presets, and I conclude that they are either too blue, or washed out and I much prefer Vanilla W3 than any sweetFX mod.

29 Aug 17:53 CEST

BAHAHA I was just reading the argument between Amioran and Npolaris about halfway down the comments, that made me LOL so hard.

3 Aug 09:13 CEST

@derrame: Which preset? Or are you creating your own?

3 Aug 03:31 CEST

i'm having a problem, the error says eror in BloomWidth but there is no line of bloom width

2 Aug 13:04 CEST

@keyciraptor: You mean too dark at night or just too dark in general?

Most presets are probably darker because night time and interiors such as caves are not dark enough in the vanilla game.

31 Jul 18:19 CEST

nice, thx. it works!!!! :)

a question, why are almost every preset so shiny glossy but still way to dark?

there is no preset which is sharp, more realistic colors, shiny glossy, but not dark?

27 Jul 14:30 CEST

@ keyciraptor: The patch likely replaced your d3d11.dll file. Try reinstalling the preset you are using again from scratch.

27 Jul 12:44 CEST

witcher with all updates (1.7)

it only crashes, it opens the game for 1 second and imidiatly crashes.... help? :-s

15 Jul 02:24 CEST

Added a version of my preset that is compatible with Yet Another Lighting Mod.

Hope you like it.

13 Jul 01:28 CEST

someone needs to delete the multiple witcher 3 categories

7 Jul 19:21 CEST

My Preset + Links + Guides is Up Dated ;)

24 Jun 00:52 CEST

FYI: ReShade got updated to version 0.19

20 Jun 05:36 CEST

Thank you hoditon for showcasing Fantasy v3.0 Ultimate. :) You can see the video here:

17 Jun 21:27 CEST

Jurassic Witcher 1.0 FULL ready to download.

14 Jun 16:56 CEST

The kind Youtuber by the name of hodilton also made a video showcasing how Project Destiny looks like (link below).


14 Jun 13:37 CEST

Unreal Witcher 3 Preset Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ukbtayj4Ck

12 Jun 22:33 CEST

Yeah, I cannot disagree with you that the current way of sorting is poor.

12 Jun 22:18 CEST

Not necessarily, since some presets are features on youtube which is the only reason they get popular.

And yes I know it's subjective. Of course it's subjective.

That's why overall I think it would be at least better if the presets were sorted by date by default.
It would at least be better than the current way that it's sorted.

12 Jun 10:44 CEST

A higher download counts means many people are enjoying the preset which increases the chances of it being good. It's far from a guarantee of course and it's entirely subjective. It's damn near impossible to say that "This Preset A is objectively better than Preset B" as it's all just post processing effects.

12 Jun 01:35 CEST

By date still makes more sense by default. Never said newer=/=better but it makes sense to sort it that way.

Download count is easier to see anyway.

12 Jun 01:33 CEST

But yeah you should be able to choose how you want the list categorized.

12 Jun 01:32 CEST

Download count doesn't mean it's better.

11 Jun 17:23 CEST

All the categories should be clickable I think so you can decide yourself how to sort the presets.

Having download count as the default would make the most sense as newer =/= better.

11 Jun 05:58 CEST

Why isn't this sorted by date by default?

It should be newest to oldest!

8 Jun 23:50 CEST

Is it so difficult to place some buttons to order releases by date? that is not the way to keep a website in order..

8 Jun 22:16 CEST

You can take a look at my coming "Jurassic Witcher 1.0" Reshade mod. A Kualoa Ranch ( Where they filmed Jurassic Park ) Recreation for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


Check out progress at facebook.com/kadzait24mod

8 Jun 01:19 CEST

A MasterEffect based version of Project Destiny 2014 is now available.

7 Jun 10:29 CEST

E3/VGX Preset has been updated to v2.0 Final. Looks very similar to VGX now.

4 Jun 12:24 CEST

@mezziaz I did try those and got Sweetfx working. The problem is that with Sweetfx before i was getting 75fps then now its dropped to 55fps. No matter which preset I use, ever since the new DLC was updated :(
Looks like CDPR dont want us making their game look nicer than vanilla

4 Jun 09:16 CEST

@Ferdimage: Move the "d3d11.dll" file CDPR added to a different folder and reapply the "dxgi.dll" created by Reshade. Or rename your existing "dxgi.dll" file to "d3d9.dll" and see if that works out better for you.

4 Jun 06:21 CEST

Has CDPR updated the .dll files in the \bin folder.
I now have d3d11.dll & dxgi.dll in there and if I use Sweetfx and override the .dll files the games fps is dropped by 20-25 fps.
If I put the original .dll files back in the fps jumps up again.
Anyone else having this issue?

3 Jun 20:55 CEST

I already have written about "people tastes" and i am not going to repeat it again, if you are interested read it...
Yes you disagree with me, but that's the principle of life what i wrote and it works for all spheres, to choose best from few variants, or to choose few from many, It's so simple. GD There are many of stupid presets, just open and compare...

3 Jun 19:42 CEST

I totally disagree with you
people tastes always vary so I might find something that suits me but doesn't suit anyone else but me so we must to keep every single -not reposted- preset to fill all peoples taste

3 Jun 19:04 CEST

Yes i'm doing like you, but still i think that many of presets are just junk and useless. it's possible to choose 10-15 best presets from 100 and delete rest of them...
It will be good for the site, for users and also it will be the stimulus for preset creator to make better presets...

1 Jun 23:11 CEST

@Manoffaith: Then only focus on the presets with the most downloads as that can be seen as an indication that those probably suit the "taste" of most people and don't bother with the others.

It's really that simple.

I personally prefer having a selection of presets that can be seen as too large rather than too small, but that's just me.

1 Jun 22:11 CEST


Everything that might be stupid for someone, might not be for anothers, BUT there exists something like "taste" and people who can judge WTF is tasteful and WTF Not and don't tell em that: "there's no accounting for taste"

31 May 22:00 CEST

And speaking of,
Nik's E3 B&B Preset is updated to V1.02.
Hope everybody enjoys.

31 May 17:19 CEST

It's the "Game presets" comments section
where most are doing it for general SweetFX-related discussion, updates,
help & troubleshooting, etc.
It's smart to post here so the community are informed of the updates for people to take a look at. Changing the name won't help especially if you have MULTIPLE versions within your preset, nor will people always know or remember which version, etc.

31 May 15:48 CEST


keep calm and take your pills.

31 May 11:52 CEST


What the fuck is wrong with you guy? Are you so desperately in need of playing the part of the keyboard warrior that you cannot either understand that you are making a fool out of yourself?

31 May 01:39 CEST

@ Amioran:

Sorry, didn't know that thelazy.net is
your family or a weak newborn in need of your valiant protection.

31 May 00:13 CEST

Post your preset updates in your actual presets. Not in the Game Comments section.

This isn't a section for drama. This section is about stuff actually involving the game and SWFX/shaders/reshade.

Don't feed Trolls spouting negativity.

Example of a good post: letting people know when toggles are fixed is a appropriate post here.

You can very easily comment or edit your own preset to show updates. A update date feature is even present.

This section is getting a little ridiculous so I thought I'd weigh in here. Hopefully you guys understand.

30 May 22:56 CEST


"We" is obviously the people here, it wasn't' difficult to get. And in my post it was perfectly plausible to use the plural as you have said something that nobody could take seriously. Since whence Nexus is the home of the best presets for ENB and Sweetfx? It has never been, as its scope has always been different.

30 May 21:39 CEST

..Well in any case,
Nik's Bleak & Blue has now been updated
to V1.01.

30 May 21:26 CEST

@ Amioran

Who is "we"?
Are you the people's voice from this internet side, or are you just schizophrenic?

P.S. If you cannot understand it, this is socratic irony.

30 May 20:41 CEST


We didn't know that the best presets were on Nexus. Thanks for making us aware of it.

P.S: If you cannot understand it, this is naturally sarcasm.

30 May 18:23 CEST

Premium only for premium servers.

30 May 18:22 CEST

@ aqibzahid11


30 May 18:10 CEST

@Manoffaith: A preset that might be stupid in your eyes might not be in anothers.

If there is a preset you don't like just don't use it or give feedback to the creator how he/she should improve upon it.

30 May 17:51 CEST


It's very easy to decide which one is stupid or not... Everyone has eyes and can judge...

30 May 17:23 CEST

So is there a way to toogle settfx??? coz its not working in this game

30 May 17:20 CEST

but u need premium account to download em, so its useless

30 May 17:11 CEST

@ Manoffaith

Then go straight to nexus and choose one from the three best presets ;-)



http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/51/? (the best of all)

30 May 15:15 CEST

@Manoffaith: And who decides which presets are "stupid and useless" exactly? Which one is the best/worst is for the most part clearly subjective especially since the presets are mostly just post-processing.

If you don't wanna dig trough the entire list just try out the ones with the most downloads or take a look at the comparison done by cvax below.

30 May 13:40 CEST


Check this my deer boys

29 May 20:44 CEST

how many stupid and useless presets are added here(not all of course)we need some preset control for this site. some of presets should be blocked & removed. It is just stupid to have 1000 Presets and only few of them are really good and useful.

28 May 23:34 CEST

•Here is an amazing comparaison by cvax, you should check it out: http://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/37en5x/sweetfx_preset_comparisons_part_2/

28 May 21:49 CEST

Rivai's - Cinematic is now updated to v1.2

28 May 20:52 CEST

Project Destiny is updated.

28 May 20:25 CEST

Hey everyone,
I'm pretty new to this & as stated in my preset, first time really making an effort to make one & post it. That being said,
it would be awesome if everyone could check out my "Bleak & Blue" preset to download, comment, etc. I apologize if the screenshots are slightly poor, as they're not crazy hi-res or hudless, and not 100% how i wanted them to turn out, but I'd like to see some people's opinions.

28 May 18:19 CEST

Does someone have perhaps a save game in Novigrad to give me? I need it to make some tests and comparison images. Thanks.

27 May 23:21 CEST

Rivai's - Cinematic Witcher SFX updated to 1.1 and now is based in SFX 1.4 instead of 2.0.

Improved performance and now you can use the toggle key (F12) in-game ;-)

See the description for further information.

26 May 20:45 CEST

When you add the GOG version to steam make sure you launch it from steam or the Alt+Shift wont work for the toggle.

26 May 19:58 CEST

@mezziaz but im using gog, and i don hav steam installed

26 May 19:12 CEST

@aqibzahid11: The toggle works if you put up the steam overlay first.

26 May 15:22 CEST

Looks like im not able to toogle sweetfx on/off in this game

26 May 11:17 CEST

Not with SweetFX, no.

24 May 22:00 CEST

Is it possible to disable the raindrops effect on screen when it's raining?

24 May 17:02 CEST

Project E3 2013 updated to v2.0, preset video soon.

24 May 15:54 CEST

Hi peeps, first id like to thank you for this preset, beautifull colors^^, I've tested every other preset, and also testes this "http://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/f146/sweetfx-p0werp1ay-993812-10.html#post23494904" wish is the best preset ever made in the net if you like E3 trailer feel. anyways still prefer yours but what i ofund lacking in your preset versus the german one is "4.0" lumasharpening! trust me i tryed with your preset and now the game looks heavenly ;)

23 May 23:18 CEST

Hey guys, just a tip, to enable/disable Sweetfx in witcher 3, just pause the game (default "ESC") and then press the key to enable/disable the Sweetfx.

23 May 11:31 CEST

Hello, i beg you to help me, i can't launch any sweet fx, i have this screen when i launch the game :


It lasts 1/2 sec, then go back to desk...

Can you please helpme :(

I am Nvidia, no fraps and tryed everything...

23 May 04:33 CEST

E3/VGX Preset Pack updated to v1.6 with additional color balancing. Also has a working Depth of Field option now.

23 May 03:15 CEST

Realistic Witcher 3 updated to version 1.3

23 May 01:55 CEST

A way has been found to enable/disable SweetFX with The Witcher III: you must have steam, during gameplay open Steam menu with alt+shift (default keys) and in steam menu press Scroll lock.

21 May 18:49 CEST

Rivai's - Cinematic Witcher 3 Comparison video by AivirOfTlareg: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf2EkAkoA2I

21 May 14:46 CEST

1440p video of the preset in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVGjPtj1mys

20 May 18:51 CEST

Project Reality updated to 1.4, this is the last update for my preset, enjoy it!
Video preset v1.4: https://youtu.be/pSWO9OeB92M

19 May 16:47 CEST

Project Reality updated to v1.2

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